Connected Learning Communities

EUTOPIA and its Educational Model

The educational model of EUTOPIA is based on a challenge-driven approach to learning, which promotes the practical application of knowledge and theory to real-world problems. EUTOPIA students participate in a shared learning experience, working together to identify and implement effective solutions to complex issues within a European context. This approach highlights the significance of pedagogical excellence in shaping the European university of the 21st century.

In order to realize this ambitious new model for higher education in Europe, EUTOPIA developed and employs the CoLeCo methodology: “From Learning Units to Connected Learning Communities”.


The EUTOPIA education methodology promotes bottom-up educational leadership through the academic staff involved in Connected Learning Communities. Educators are offered opportunities for professional development; they engage in peer mentoring activities and are prepared to take transnational leadership roles of Learning Community leaders. Connected Learning Communities have the potential to bring together staff, students, and stakeholders outside academia engaged in cross-campus learning and teaching activities in close interaction with the research agendas of the EUTOPIA partner universities. They address global issues and align with priorities indicated by global organizations such as the UN and EU/EC.

Find out more about the EUTOPIA educational model through our strategic notes and booklet (check the two tabs below):

Strategic Notes
  • Barriers and Enablers for International Cooperation Research Reports
  • Coming soon:

    • European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy for 2050 (EUTOPIA 2050) Vision for an External Quality Assurance System for the European Universities (UL)
    • European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy for 2050 (EUTOPIA 2050) Guiding Principles for an internal quality assurance system (UL)
    • Policy Brief
Connected Learning Communities

The EUTOPIA learning communities span several different focus areas. Each community is led or co-led by an EUTOPIA partner university and comprises members from some or all other partners.
Discover more about them by clicking on the community of interest below:

1st round (starting 2020)
2nd round (starting 2021)
3rd round (starting 2022)

Who makes our Learning Communities possible?

Rosette S’Jegers ( – Working Group 2 Coordinator. Rosette S’Jegers supports the development of the EUTOPIA education model by coordinating amongst the different sub-activities. She ensures intra- and interinstitutional communication and lobbies for supportive (policy) conditions.

Jo Angouri ( – Curriculum developer. Jo Angouri supports the development and cohesion of the EUTOPIA Learning Communities. She facilitates contact between leads and partners and supports them in developing shared resources and joint cross-campus activities.


Karen Triquet ( – Education Project Officer. Karen Triquet works closely with the WP2 coordinator, curriculum developer and platform enabler towards the development of cross-EUTOPIA connections and activities within and across the Learning communities. She reports on the outcomes and outputs of the EUTOPIA Learning Communities and facilitates contact between leads, partners and students.

Tomy Quenet ( – Platform Enabler. Tomy Quenet facilitates virtual connection and collaboration amongst students and staff involved in the EUTOPIA Learning Communities. He prepares and maintains their virtual workspace, trains them on how to make use of it and serves as contact person for diverse user groups.