The EUTOPIA Weeks are essential milestones in the construction of the EUTOPIA alliance, happening every six months. The member universities take turns organising them. These events bring together all the Alliance's Boards and Councils to discuss the coherence and direction of projects and programs at a high level. The meetings also offer a unique opportunity to become better acquainted with one of the member institutions and to meet vice-rectors, deans, professors, teachers, researchers, and students.

The second EUTOPIA Week of 2024 is hosted by CY Cergy Paris University in Cergy in November, 2024.

The event will bring together this time not only the ten European universities members of the EUTOPIA alliance but also their six global partners, and will feature intense sessions addressing current challenges and opportunities in higher education.

For more information on this EUTOPIA Week programme, visit our dedicated website.

* * *

Tenth E-Week: Cergy - November 2024

This November, CY Cergy Paris Université will host a transformative event that promises to deepen our European university alliance initiative: the 10th EUTOPIA Week, under the motto Entrepreneurship for IMPACT. Running from November 25th to 29th, this gathering will bring together students, academics, and university leaders from across Europe to tackle educational, entrepreneurial, and research-related challenges. With a focus on fostering impact-driven entrepreneurial links with academia, the week will blend engaging public presentations and closed-door discussions. The first three days agenda was disclosed and is full of promises.

For more details, please access the link to the official CY Cergy Université page

The complete programme can be accessed on the EUTOPIA Week website.

Listen to Radio Ca' Foscari 'Cities of EUTOPIA's podcast episode featuring Cergy on Spotify or Youtube.

Ninth E-Week: Cluj-Napoca - June 2024

The topic Pathways to Cohesion intends to concentrate on initiatives that foster unity and collaboration among universities across countries. The concept emphasizes creating interconnected networks where institutions work together, share resources, and innovate collectively. The goal is to break down barriers, promote inclusive education, and ensure that students and faculty from diverse backgrounds can benefit from shared knowledge and opportunities. This approach supports the development of a more integrated and cohesive European Higher Education Area.

Eight E-Week: Dresden - December 2023

The Eighth EUTOPIA Week is taking place in Dresden from 4-6 December 2023, hosted by Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. The theme for this chapter of EW is "Ecosystems of Innovation".

In the beginning of December, the delegates from all EUTOPIA's central bodies and global partners will meet in Dresden and work together to deepen the alliance's programmes and perspectives.
Board of Presidents, Board of Directors, Alliance Management Board, Advisory Council, Student Council, Faculty and Staff Council, Institutional Coordinators, Central Office, Project Management Boards, Communications officers, and the Young Leaders Academy new cohort will all be present in the campus of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUDresden).
The management board of the EUTOPIA TRAIN project, funded by Horizon 2020 (SwafS), dedicated to designing the research and Innovation agenda of the alliance, will also be present at the final dissemination event of the programme. As part of it, the Young Leaders Academy's (YLA) second cohort will meet for the first time too. YLA is a 2-year training on leadership program for post-doctoral scholars and young researchers from the EUTOPIA universities.

For more details, please access the link to the official TUD page

The complete programme can be accessed on the EUTOPIA Week website.

Access the throwback here.

Seventh E-Week: Lisbon - June 2023 

See below the video for the seventh EUTOPIA Week:


The Seventh EUTOPIA Week is taking place in Lisbon from 19-23 June 2023, hosted by NOVA University, Lisbon. The theme for this chapter of EW is "A Better Europe".

Here are the main sessions of the roundtable and discussions:

  • Round Table: "The Role of European Universities for a Better Future" by a discussion led by 17 participants including representation from all EUTOPIA partners and collaborators of NOVA University Lisbon
  • Keynote 1- “A European Green Deal” by João Pedro Gouveia “Navigating Change: Navigating Change: Reshaping the Future of Universities with AI from Student’s Perspective" by EUSTT
  • Keynote Session 2 – "A Stronger Europe in the World" by Nuno Severiano Teixeira
  • Keynote 3 – “An Economy that Works for People” by Pedro Brinca
  •  Keynote 4 – “Promoting our European Way of Life Fit for Digital Age” by Alison Holm
  • Conference by MUR@D in collaboration with NOVA University Lisbon and EUTOPIA on "A new push for European democracy - Women in Diplomacy"
Sixth E-Week: Ljubljana - November 2022

The sixth EUTOPIA Week was the final one from the pilot project of the alliance, EUTOPIA-2050, which stretched from December 2019 to November 2022. To commemorate this, the leaders of EUTOPIA spoke about what they have achieved in this incredible journey, and what's in store for the future:


See here the video for the Opening Ceremony address of the sixth EUTOPIA Week:


The main theme of this sixth E-week in Ljubljana was the vision of the future, of the alliance and of Europe. The motto was "University of the Future, Universe of Opportunities".

Here are the main speakers and what they chose to focus on:

  • Gregor Majdic, rector of the University of Ljubljana: "The end of the 2050 Project is not the end of EUTOPIA. EUTOPIA MORE will bring even more connectedness in the alliance."
  • Oriol Amat, rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona: "EUTOPIA is a dream of the past that we are now realizing, so what can we dream of for the future ?"
  • Antonio Luna, Vice-rector for Internationalization at the UPF: "Thanks to the people who have worked on EUTOPIA since the beginning. There is also a focus on the fact that the EUTOPIAn process of innovation is having an impact evebn beyond Europe."
  • Nikki Muckle, Secretary General of EUTOPIA: "EUTOPIA started all the way back in 2017 when the first members started coming together. It's time to look back on what was achieved in 5 years, and how far we can go in the next five years."
  • Petra Videmsek, Faculty for Social Work at University of Ljubljana, and Head of the Work Package for Inclusion in EUTOPIA 2050: "The signing of the EUTOPIA MORE Inclusion Manifesto, and the work on Inclusion during the life of the alliance."
  • Signing of the Inclusion Manifesto. 11:40
  • Signing of the EUTOPIA International Partnerships Charter
  • Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick: "Thanking the EUTOPIA Global Partners and how they fit into the EUTOPIA project as observers and advisers."
  • Tiziana Lippiello, rector of the Ca'Foscari University of Venice and new President of EUTOPIA: "Thanking speech about her appointment as President of EUTOPIA, and commitment to the further development of EUTOPIA in the future."
See here some news and articles about the week:
Fifth E-Week: Brussels - June 2022

See here the video for the fifth EUTOPIA Week:




The main theme of this fifth E-week in Brussels was connection and openness in the alliance. The motto was "Brussels is our campus". Here are the main speakers and what they chose to focus on:

  • Jan Danckaert, rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "The vision and ideal for the future of the alliance, objectives in ten years' time focused on education, research and impact in society. The future is more EUTOPIA"
  • Tiziana Lippiello, rector of the Ca'Foscari University of Venice: "The empowerement of students and young people in the alliance, and the continued collaboration of EUTOPIA with their public and private partners in their regions."
  • Nikki Muckle, Secretary General of EUTOPIA: "EUTOPIA is now way broader than first envisaged, in scope, in the number of projects and of partners."
  • Gregor Majdic, rector of the University of Ljubljana: "Ad posse, ad esse, from the possible to the real. This is the story of EUTOPIA and of its values."
  • Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, choreographer and General Artistic Director at Rosas & P.A.R.T.S.: "Her relation with Brussels, the origin and etymology and power of the city of Brussels."
See here some news and articles about the week:

Fourth E-Week: Barcelona - November 2021

See here the video for the fourth EUTOPIA Week:




The main theme of this fourth E-week in Barcelona was decided to be Planetary Wellbeing. On top of that, this week was also the very first one to be organized and attended in-person, which informed the choice of speakers, and the topics of their addresses. Thus they chose to focus on the following points:

  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg: "Transformation is perhaps the masterword of our alliance, and our common existence is just beginning."
  • Josep Lluis Marti, UPF Commissioner for Planetary Wellbeing: "The definition and pursuit of Planetary Wellbeing, and turning our hopes towards the Youth" 
  • Oriol Amat, Rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra: "The enlargement of the alliance, the first E-week in person, and the choice of Planetary Wellbeing as its main theme"
  • Themis Christophidou, Director General for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture at the European Commission: "How EUTOPIA is starting to reap the fruits of its work and should be proud; of its Learning Communities, Open Innovation Challenge, etc."
Third E-Week: Gothenburg - April 2021

See here the video for the third EUTOPIA Week:




For this third E-week in Gothenburg the alliance was now at half its lifespan, a great occasion then to look back at what was achieved in its 18 months of existence. Thus, the Rectors focused on the following points (Nikki Muckle the Secretary-General of EUTOPIA, and Marie Marchand, President of the EUTOPIA Student Council, also had sizeable interventions):

  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg: "The EUTOPIAn Journey so far, through COVID, adaptation and persistence"
  • Nikki Muckle, Secretary-General of EUTOPIA : "What we have achieved so far, at the midpoint of EUTOPIA, and what to look forward to"
  • Marie Marchand, President of the EUTOPIA Student Council "What does being a student within EUTOPIA mean? Examples of student engagements"
  • Igor Papic, Rector of the University of Ljubljana: "What EUTOPIA is doing for Inclusion"
  • Caroline Pauwels, Rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "The evolution of the EUTOPIA Educational Model, and the Connected Learning Communities"
  • Jaume Casals, Rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona: "Betting on EUTOPIA to innovate, for European solutions to problems can help develop local solutions too"
  • François Germinet, President of CY Cergy Paris Université: "Sustainability through solidarity, solidarity through connectedness. Stay connected"
  • Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick: "Internationalism and the new international partners of EUTOPIA outside of Europe"
  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg: "Last words: Connections, inclusion, and opening of the EUTOPIA Week"
Second E-Week: Warwick - November 2020

See here the video for the second EUTOPIA Week:




In the address of this second EUTOPIA Week, the rectors all focus on different points (with guest speaker Nikki Muckle, Secretary-General of EUTOPIA):

  • Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick: "The International engagement of EUTOPIA"
  • Nikki Muckle, Secretary-General of EUTOPIA, "What we have achieved so far"
  • Igor Papic, Rector of the University OF Ljubljana: "The three EUTOPIAn EU-funded projects: 2050, SIF, and TRAIN"
  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the Unversity of Gothenburg: "Link between international strategy and local place-making, as well as adherence to democratic values and defending academic freedom"
  • Caroline Pauwels, Rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "The place of Students in a Student-centred alliance"
  • François Germinet, President of CY Cergy Paris Université: "The opportunities created by EUTOPIA"
  • Pelegri Viader, Rector's Commissioner for EUTOPIA at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Speaking on behalf of Rector Jaume Casals: "The effects of the pandemic on the alliance in a positive light: digitalization of higher education and new types of mobility"
First E-Week: CYU - Summer 2020

See here the video for the first EUTOPIA Week:



For this first E-week in CY, the Rectors all focus on different points:
  • François Germinet, President of CY Cergy Paris Université: "To let students invent the world of tomorrow"
  • Igor Papic, Rector of the University OF Ljubljana: "The absence of boundaries"
  • Caroline Pauwels, Rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "Connectedness, and the EUTOPIA educational model"
  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the Unversity of Gothenburg: "Research & Education to create synergies"
  • Jaume Casals, Rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra: "Universality of Open Science"
  • Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick: "A transformed Europe, and the international aim of EUTOPIA"
Seventh EUTOPIA Week: Lisbon 19 -23 June 2023


The Seventh EUTOPIA Week is taking place in Lisbon from 19-23 June 2023,  hosted by NOVA University, Lisbon. The theme for this chapter of EW is "A Better Europe'".  Several sessions are planned  to discuss the six priorities of the European Commission:  

  • the European Green Commitment aims to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient economy while preserving Europe's natural environment.   

  • the digital transition, which combines investment in research and innovation with data protection and equipping people with the necessary skills;   

  • having an economy that serves people, secures jobs and reduces inequalities;   

  • strengthen the EU's voice on the global stage, defending open and fair trade;   

  • defend fundamental rights and the rule of law as a bastion of equality, tolerance, and social justice;   

  • give a new impetus to European democracy by contributing to the strengthening of Europe's democratic processes.   

For more details, please access the link to the official page. 

The complete programme can be accessed here. 

Registrations are open for the event. Please go to Registration the European Green Commitment, which aims to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient economy while preserving Europe's natural environment;   the digital transition, which combines investment in research and innovation with data protection and training people with the necessary skills;   having an economy that serves the people, guaranteeing jobs and reducing inequalities;   strengthen the EU's voice on the world stage by advocating for open and fair trade;   defend fundamental rights and the rule of law as a bastion of equality, tolerance and social justice;   and still give a new impetus to European democracy, contributing to the strengthening of democratic processes in EUROPE.  

News about the event can be accessed here

Sixth EUTOPIA Week: Ljubljana 21 - 25 November 2022

Banner Eweek
Banner Eweek


University of Ljubljana is hosting the EUTOPIA Week from November 21 to November 25. You can expect to see a programme filled with activities for all – students, researchers, and all EUTOPIA staff. There are limited number of places available for each event, so we suggest 
registering early!

This EUTOPIA Week's slogan is University of the Future, Universe of Opportunities. It highlights EUTOPIA Alliance as a future-oriented transnational university where students, researchers and societal actors collectively develop new ways of reaching a better and sustainable trajectory for each and every one of us. In doing so, it strives to become a sustainable university whose priority is to reflect on societal challenges and empower students and staff to make sustainability a central priority. It is not only a place for brewing ideas, but a vehicle of action. Many successful projects have come to fruition in the last couple of years, many are still in action, and some are yet to come. There will certainly be plenty of opportunities to engage in meaningful discussion during the official part of the EUTOPIA Week programme, as well as take part in cultural visits, networking opportunities and more.

Throughout the five-day programme, we will host many experts, such as prof. dr. Maruša Bradačassoc. prof. dr. Lela Mélon and prof. dr. Pippa Norris. Along with other academics and professionals they will deliver presentations, engage in panel discussions and lead workshops on interesting topics of timely importance in their respective fields.

For those not able to attend this EUTOPIA Week in person, most events are hybrid and can be followed online. Read more about specific events, speakers, and other exciting opportunities for broadening you horizons during EUTOPIA Week in Ljubljana on the official website and don’t forget to register here.

We hope to see you there!

See all the news about the Ljubljana Eweek HERE.

Fifth EUTOPIA Week: Brussels 27 June - 01 July 2022


Welcome to Brussels!

EUTOPIA Week brings together key players – students, researchers, experts, and strategic partners - from across our European alliance network, every six months. As a founding member, VUB is proud to host the fifth edition of this week in our beloved Brussels, oftentimes dubbed the heart of Europe.

Brussels is our campus, and it could be yours too!

Join (one of) our many interactive workshops, high-level panel conversations, city tours, cultural visits, ... Participating in EUTOPIA Week from abroad/the comfort of your own home? You can still get a taste of Brussels, as a plethora of sessions are available in a hybrid manner, allowing you to dial in remotely.

See the programme and advice to plan your week in Brussels here!

Fourth EUTOPIA Week: Barcelona 22-26 November 2021

Pompeu Fabra University is hosting the fourth EUTOPIA Week, on-site and online, across the university’s three campuses in Barcelona.

The EUTOPIA Week is an opportunity to bring together all the key actors participating in the EUTOPIA project and offers a week full of interactive in person and online events, workshops, conferences, forums, seminars and many more interesting activities to the EUTOPIA alliance and beyond.

The main theme of UPF’s EUTOPIA Week is Planetary Wellbeing, as defined in the concept paper and fostered by UPF as its Institutional Framework. Broader than the concept of (social and environmental) sustainability, ambitious in nature and subject to many diverse manifestations in the university environment, the Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework represents a practical expression of UPF’s commitment to sustainable leadership role in the society and simultaneously follows the sustainability spirit, actions and aspirations of EUTOPIA.

To complement this varied academic programme, UPF has prepared a fascinating cultural visits programme on Planetary Wellbeing and Sustainability around Barcelona and its metropolitan area, as the city of Barcelona itself offers ample opportunities for such endeavours due to its core philosophy being linked to sustainability since the early 1990s. This EUTOPIA Week is an undeniable occasion for networking opportunities and the perfect setting to discover many special places and spaces impacting today’s societal challenges.

EUTOPIA Week BARCELONA ProgrammeRegistration, and session videos.

Third EUTOPIA Week: Gothenburg 12-16 April 2021


EWeek 2021 registration and programme: click here

Monday 12th April is all about inclusion, and everyone is welcome. We start the EUTOPIA Week journey with our opening ceremony from 10:00am – 11:00am. In the afternoon, we’ll talk about inclusion in higher education and adapting the system to the students.

Tuesday 13th April is all about education. In the morning, you can learn about EUTOPIA’s innovative education model. In the afternoon, the EUTOPIA student forum will discuss the student vision for EUTOPIA; if you are a student, this is for you. Tuesday afternoon is the first of two half-day workshops on university autonomy and integrity, and is part of a regional collaboration between EUTOPIA and institutions in the Western Balkans. The second session will be on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday 14th April highlights local and global cooperation. Are you a student and wonder why you should be a part of EUTOPIA? Then come to a lively roundtable between students and professionals who will explore the benefits and synergies international networks such as EUTOPIA can provide. Is digitization of the societal role of journalism an example of creative destruction, or just destruction? This is the question being raised in Wednesday’s afternoon session.

Thursday 15th April puts research in focus. We’ll be taking up links between education and research and have two sessions related to sustainability issues. Are you a researcher and wonder what the EUTOPIA partnership network may have to offer you? Then come to our afternoon session for researchers to learn about opportunities available through EUTOPIA.

Most of our sessions include a mix of students, academics and non-academics in a variety of roles. Some of the sessions mentioned are being organised or led by students. Throughout the week, you’ll also see that EUTOPIA’s collaborations extend beyond the academic world, and even beyond Europe.


Most of you are probably still working or studying from home. You might look out of the same window every day. But what do you see?

What you see out of your window might not seem that different or unusual to you. For someone else, it might be. Or maybe the similarities of what we see, no matter where in the world we are, help us see the things we have in common.

To celebrate EUTOPIA Week Spring 2021, we’d like you to snap a picture of your everyday life: of the street where you live, what you see on your way to buy a pint of milk when you take your dog for a walk or a glimpse from your window before you switch on the computer in the morning. We’d love to experience it with you, if only in a photograph. Let others take a visual journey to the places that make us EUTOPIA.

While there will be some nice prizes, this isn’t a contest to find the most stylish or professional photo or the grammatically perfect write-up. We’re looking quite simply for photos that capture what people see outside these days, photos representing EUTOPIA’s European and global partners taking part in EUTOPIA Week Spring 2021.

Let others get a look outside by sending your photo to before 4 pm (GMT) / 5 pm (CET) on Thursday 15 April.

Please include your name, where you are and one to two sentences about your photo. The winners will be announced on the last day of EUTOPIA Week Spring 2021, Friday 16 April. You do not need to be present and please note that you by sending in your photo, agree to let EUTOPIA use, share, modify, and/or adapt your image.

Second EUTOPIA Week: Warwick 23 - 27 November 2020

EUTOPIA Week brings together key players – students, researchers, subject matter experts and strategic partners, from across our European alliance network, every six months. This year we will be hosting a number of additional online events, open to all, to provide unique insights and enable important discussions on topics impacting society today.

The University of Warwick (UK) is hosting the second EUTOPIA Week online from 23 to 27 November.

For more information, please fill our registration form.

What’s happening?

Our programme includes a range of workshops, panel debates and open forum Q&A’s to choose from. We have engaged a range of high-profile speakers from across our networks to participate in important topical discussions relating to Higher Education and the wider global operating context.

A number of sessions will be open to the public and promise to offer impressive academic and professional expert insights into the hot topics facing our society today. Some sessions will only be open to University presidents and vice-presidents, Work Package leads and co-leads, actions leaders and members, students, staff, academics and researchers from six partners of EUTOPIA. Detail of who can book sessions is indicated on the timetable.

All sessions will be delivered online, with some limited numbers, managed on a first-come, first-served basis. See event itinerary

Find out more about our event themes:

Opening Ceremony

Join us as we reflect on the successes of the EUTOPIA alliance to date and reflect on the forward programme of EUTOPIA Week 2020

EUTOPIA presents
Focused sessions targeted at sharing opportunities and insights across the EUTOPIA network

Student opportunities: Sessions targeted at students studying at EUTOPIA. Practical guidance and information from the EUTOPIA experts. Find out how to:

  • Participate in projects with prestigious European universities
  • Gain practical international work experience
  • Improve your CV and acquire new skills and competences
  • Build a strong European student network
  • Develop your intercultural and employability skills

Researcher opportunities: Find out more about opportunities for researchers and PhD students offered through our EUTOPIA partnership network:

  • Researcher mobility Program
  • Science and Innovation Fellowships
  • Improve your CV and acquire new skills and competences
  • Young Leaders Academy
  • University responses to Covid-19: Open to anyone, this interactive panel session, sees academic experts from a range of fields share insights into how EUTOPIA partners responded to and aided the fight against COVID-19. A live audience question and answer session is included.

Short, topical lunchtime talks for anyone to join:

  • Cities of Culture
  • University/Industry partnerships
  • Research and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

EUTOPIA Discusses
Led by EUTOPIA partners, these interactive sessions will convene expert panels to investigate, discuss and debate topical issues in European Higher Education:

  • Under the Lens: Inclusion for a European University
  • The Eutopia Education Model and the European Education Area
  • Universities and Economic Development: from Productivity to Prosperity for All
  • Researchers’ Careers in Higher Education (hosted by the Guild of Research Intensive Universities)

EUTOPIA Workshops
A series of expert-led practical workshops to enhance development of EUTOPIA members and our associated partners:

  • Developing Early Career Researchers: led by the IAS of both CY Cergy and Warwick, this session will share guidance and support from the respective centres of excellence in addition to highlighting opportunities offered by EUTOPIA for current ECRs or those considering a career in research
  • Western Balkans: how to design, accredit and launch an international /inter-university study programme.
First EUTOPIA Week : CY Cergy Paris 29 June - 3 July 2020

The EUTOPIA 2050 project includes six EUTOPIA Weeks. CY Cergy Paris University will host the first EUTOPIA Week from June 29 to July 3, 2020. The purpose is to:​​​​

    - Bring together all key actors of the project;
    - Celebrate the alliance;
    - Reinforce our shared identity and culture;
    - Include our students and staff into this event;
    - Progress on the scheduled actions of the project;
    - Present CY Cergy Paris Université academic, cultural and socio-economic environment;
    - Communicate at a French local and regional level and include their representatives into the ceremonies and round tables;
    - Communicate among the other alliances.

The actors involved are the presidents and the vice presidents, Work Packages leads and co-leads, actions leaders and members, students, staff, academics and researchers from six partners of EUTOPIA.

Among the content produced for this EUTOPIA Week there are:

     - Cultural Visits: Short videos exploring the city of Cergy and its surroundings, discovering the history of the city, its cultural life, places, people, action and events.
     - Discover CY: a way to discover CY Cergy Paris Université under a new light through staff, students, stakeholders short videos presentations. It will give you a good overview of the university even without being present!
     - Noon talks: short conferences between 12:00 and 12:30, centered around interesting subjects like Open Science, International Mobility, or the concept of Knowledge Bazaars.
     - Student Associations' videos: The EUTOPIA Alliance wouldn’t be the same without its students and its campus life. To get a better idea of the student life in EUTOPIA universities, we invite you to watch some video-presentations of student’s associations.
     - Conferences about subjects such as Sustainable Campuses and Digital Inclusion.

The Cultural Visits, Discover CY, and Student Associations' videos are available in a playlist HERE.

The Noon Talks, Conferences, and institutional videos (EUTOPIA Photo Contest and Opening / Closing Ceremony) are available in a playlist HERE.

Regarding the present situation caused by COVID-19, CY Cergy Paris Université—with the agreement of all partners—decided to adapt the format of the event and to propose a full digital, on-line e-EUTOPIA event.


EUTOPIA MORE is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101089699. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.