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Integrated Connected Communities
The Connected Communities (CC ‘s) are the building blocks of the EUTOPIA approach for empowering knowledge in the EUTOPIA MORE Erasmus+ European University Initiative (2022-2026). The CCs are inspired by the outcomes of the former Connected Learning Communities (CLC) and Connected Research Communities (CRC) resulting from the pilot phase of EUTOPIA (2019-2022).
Today’s CC’s are integrated thematic networks where teachers, researchers, and students cooperate in cross-campus knowledge activities. They do not impose change but aim to strengthen existing good practices in challenge-based learning and research by creating interuniversity connectedness at a European scale. The CC’s are aligned with the EUTOPIA alliance vision on openness and aim to bridge the typical divides that still characterise academia:
- Connecting academia and society: by focusing their knowledge activities on key challenges in society, and thereby involve stakeholders emanating from a wide range of activities in the business world, the public sector, and cultural organizations.
- Teaching and Research: participants combine their experience in teaching and research for testing different formats of cross-campus cooperation; by doing so they create impact that goes beyond the ad hoc experience of staff and students involved.
- Inclusion: the CCs are expected to open up their knowledge activities to a wide range of potential learners by using flexible and/or blended formats for cross-campus cooperation.
Based on common criteria, the partner universities of EUTOPIA identify nominees for acting as a lead in future Connected Communities. These leads are permanent members of the existing staff in one of the alliance universities, and are willing and motivated for reaching out to partners/colleagues working on similar topics in the other universities of the EUTOPIA alliance. During a so-called incubation period the selected lead and partners gradually move from sharing resources to implementation of connected cross-campus learning and knowledge activities supported by the EUTOPIA central team.
Incubation results in a wide range of impacts such as: a range of transnational learning formats for students (BA, MA, PhD), international exposure, mutual access to specialised data and infrastructure, research-based learning, synergy and complementarity for teaching, joint participation to calls for (inter) national funding schemes, potential for publication etc. Following two academic years of testing the partnership takes stock of the connected activities they have been developing, and prioritise value-added formats for staff and students. The community can then opt for a number of pathways leading to sustainability for their efforts, such as: integration in existing academic offerings, continued cooperation at joint degree level or in joint research programs intended to stimulate innovation in the higher education and research area.
1st Round (2023)
Science, Art & Community
Environmental Humanities
Quantum Technologies Initiative
Grounding Human-Centred AI on Embodied Multimodal Interaction
ECOTOPIA Summer School
Ocean Challenges
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
New Technologies for Social Inclusion
CLARITI: Connected Community for Learning And Research In Mathematics for Technology and Innovation
Global Health
2nd Round (2024)
Discover the community leads here
Reality-Centric Data Science
Working with University Students for Inclusion, Solidarity and Citizen Participation in the EU
Francophonies et rapport au "reste du monde"
Tourism and Experiences
Maintaining International Peace and Security
Sustainable Well-being for People & Planet / Caring Communities
Bioimage Analysis
Agile in Biomechanics
Digitisation for Hydro-Climatic Risk Reduction
Thinking through the Silk Roads. Cross-Cultural Exchanges and Mobilities
The Team supporting our Connected Communities
- WP3 Coordinators
The WP3 Coordinating body ensures the quality and timely delivery of all WP3 tasks and deliverables and maintaining internal coherence across tasks and sub-work packages (SWPs). They work collaboratively as a team, holding regular meetings to exchange updates and discuss developments. The coordinating body is responsible for overseeing documents for WP3 meetings and progress reporting. They facilitate cross-work package cooperation to align WP3 deliverables with broader EUTOPIA initiatives, and track EU policy developments to leverage relevant opportunities for Connected Communities.
Rosette S’Jegers (, Kristin Klein ( & Andreea Maris ( - Central Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
The Central Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in EUTOPIA is responsible for designing and implementing a monitoring mechanism across all EUTOPIA Connected Communities (CC). The M&E officer supports the development of communities innovative educational activities, documenting and addressing diverse needs, developing supportive tools, ensuring internal and EU reporting, and strategy by working closely with the coordinating body, the curriculum developer, the research-based learning promoters, YLA and cross-WP to connect, inform and support staff. The role also involves managing and close collaboration with the 10 EUTOPIA MORE local facilitators to support community incubation.
Karen Triquet ( - Curriculum Developer
The Curriculum Developer supports the educational development in the EUTOPIA Connected Communities throughout their lifecycle. The curriculum developer collaborates closely with the central monitor and local facilitators to organise regular meetings with community leads and partners on partnership development. The developer helps foster engagement and innovation in the development of the connected communities, while providing strategic guidance on consolidating community activities and working with the coordinating body to establish sustainable practices that preserve the value gained as communities reach maturity.
Jo Angouri ( - Local Facilitators
The local facilitators (one in each university) act as the interface between the central team and the staff and students participating/interested in the CCs and their cross-campus education and research activities. They provide logistical and administrative support to staff in the home university, facilitate staff and students engagement in cross-campus activities, help draft local requests for recognition and showcase community efforts. Local facilitators work closely with the central monitor to gather and report local indicators on the efforts of staff and students, and address a number of operational cross-campus needs that arise in the development of cross-campus activities.
Local Facilitators: UBB Alexandra Csavdari , UNIVE Laura Cappellesso , CY Tomy Quenet , TUD Kerstin Le Merdy , GU Andreea Maris , UL Meteja Melink , NOVA Carolina Pereira , UPF Laia Cotet , VUB Els Decoster , UW Mélina Delmas - Research-based learning promoters
The Research-based learning promoters help communities design and set-up dedicated workshops aligned with their existing CC thematic and activities with the aim of promoting research-based learning. The workshops aim to introduce students to methodological skills and diverse career opportunities. Students will connect and acquire knowledge of the diversity of disciplines, careers, insights into discipline-specific methods, techniques, and equipment.
Kate Meier , George Turcas
EUTOPIA MORE is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101089699. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.