Nursing Care in Complex Care Situations

Welcome to our Connected Learning Community! We are dedicated to guiding students in developing a deep understanding of advanced nursing care, especially in complex and sensitive situations. Our community emphasizes the importance of palliative and end-of-life care, recognizing that healthcare extends beyond prevention and cure.

Students will explore the complexities and ethical dilemmas in various healthcare scenarios from the perspectives of patients, their families, and healthcare professionals. Through innovative and flexible teaching methods, we empower students to transform theory into practice and tackle real-life issues using student-centered learning approaches.

We also focus on inspiring and encouraging students to embark on a rewarding journey in nursing. By highlighting the profound impact nurses have on patient care and the healthcare system, we aim to motivate students to pursue this noble, challenging profession.

Join us in making a meaningful impact in the world of healthcare!
Learning Community Activities
Upcoming Activities
  • EUroMAiD Project (ERASMUS+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education)
    The project aims to explore evidence-base clinical reasoning towards Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) among nursing & healthcare students, analyze their experiences with simulation training, evaluate cross-cultural differences, assess digital solutions for MAiD management, contribute to nursing leadership, and develop an innovative teaching module for diverse healthcare training courses. The objectives focus on enhancing understanding, ethical preparedness, & education in the context of MAiD.
    Starting in September 2025.
  • White Paper (forthcoming)
    The CLC is conducting a comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in nursing education across Europe. The collected data will contribute to a white paper on nursing education and workforce dynamics.
Past Activities
  • Webinar: From the Cradle to the Grave: tackling Challenges in Nursing Care Education through Collaboration (HYBRID 1st of June from 14:00-16:00 CET) + registration (more information coming) - Jenny Milton and Ewa-Lena Bratt, Dennis Desmedts, Luis Miguel Valdez Lapao, Esther Insa Calderon & Mojca Kržan
See the flyer here
  • Guest Lecture: Euthanasia and end of life care - Dennis Demedts (IN PERSON 27th September, 2023 University of Gothenburg)
How to get involved?
(Students and educators)
Contact the EUTOPIA curriculum team: Jo Angouri ( and Karen Triquet (
Learning Community Members
Co-lead: Greg Moorlock (UW). Email:

Greg Moorlock is an Associate Professor at Warwick Medical School, where he works as Academic Lead for Values, Law and Ethics. He teaches ethics and law to medical students, BSc students and medical professionals. Research-wise, he specialises in organ donation and transplant ethics and is a member of international and national transplant working groups, and hospital ethics committees.

Co-lead: Dennis Demedts (VUB). Email:

Dennis Demedts graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor's degree in Psychiatric Nursing and in 2011 with a Master of Sciences in Nursing and Midwifery. He began his career working in various psychiatric departments, in 2012 he became a lecturer in higher education.
Currently, Dennis is a lecturer in the nursing program at Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He also teaches in the Master's program in Health Care Policy and Management and in the Medicine program at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His teaching focuses on evidence-based nursing, simulation education in soft skills, and end-of-life care. His interest in end-of-life care led to his doctoral research, which he completed in 2024. His PhD study explored euthanasia due to unbearable mental suffering and examined the attitudes, future roles, and skills of nursing students. In his personal life, Dennis is married to Karolien, and they have three children. He enjoys playing football and padel, has a passion for gastronomy and oenology, loves attending concerts, and enjoys socializing.

EU Partner: Ewa-Lena Bratt (GU). Email:

Ewa-Lena Bratt, RN, PhD is an associate professor and a nurse specialized in health care for children and adolescents. Ewa-Lena has more than 30 years of experience in pediatric care, especially with children and young people with congenital heart disease. Furthermore, she is the examiner for the course complex care situations 7.5 credits in the nursing program (learning unit in Eutopia). Ewa-Lena has been involved in developing forms for integrating incoming international nursing students in the course complex care situations. Ewa-Lena is the research group leader of the research group "Health care transitions” with focus on transitions in health care.
Phone: +46 766 184450

EU Partner: Jenny Milton (GU). Email:

Jenny Milton, RN, PhD is a lecturer and a registered nurse with a major in caring science and a postgraduate diploma in critical and intensive care. Jenny has an international background and extended experience working as a specialist nurse in the intensive care unit at the Sahlgrenska University hospital, Sweden. She has been a main clinical supervisor for both national and international students. Furthermore, she is a lecturer with focus on interprofessional teamwork in the emergency care. Jenny is part of the research group Acute and Critical Care Team, (ACCT), at the institute of health and caring sciences, the Sahlgrenska academy, University of Gothenburg, and part of the Gothenburg emergency medicine research group, (GEMREG), at Sahlgrenska University hospital. From autumn 2022 Jenny will be the course coordinator for the course complex care situations.
Phone: + 46 766 182192

EU Partner: Ariadna Graells Sans (UPF). Email:

Ariadna Graells Sans: I'm a nurse. Firmly committed to the profession I chose and determined to contribute to its development within society. I believe that nursing is a key profession, not only to ensure the health of communities and the well-being of people living together, but to lead and weave healthy and equitable environments.
I am interested in the effect of social and gender inequalities on health, and in addressing them through community and innovative strategies. I am passionate about teaching and I try to innovate every day to improve my practice and make it more accessible to students. I consider myself fortunate to have been able to share and enrich myself with the experiences and points of view of multiple students determined to contribute to the visibility of the nurse figure, during my experience in the classroom.
I am currently developing the role of Head of Studies at the Nursing school, a responsibility I have assumed with the desire to foster the creation of innovative, participatory and collaborative learning environments that take care of people and encourage the exchange of knowledge and talent within and outside the ESIMar community.
I consider myself an enthusiastic, enterprising and non-conformist person, eager to learn and contribute to the continuous improvement of the School.

EU Partner: Esther Insa Calderón (UPF). Email:

Esther Insa Calderón: Nurse and Anthropologist. PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from University of Barcelona. Coordinator of the research group on Social Determinants and Health Education (SDHEd-IMIM). She has been a Visiting Schoolar in the Department of Sociocultural Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is the President of the Nursing and Society Foundation.
She has coordinated a Simulation Center at Barcelona and she continue working on teaching innovation in Higher Education Institutions.

EU Partner: Mojca Kržan (Limpel) (UL). Email:

Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Korytkova 2, Ljubljana
Assistant (1999), associate (2006) and professor (2011) of pharmacology
Teaching of pharmacology and neuropharmacology research, Head of Laboratory for molecular and cellular pharmacology; Head od Department (2014- present)
Research interests: Pharmacological receptors, transporters and neuropharmacology

EU Partner: Marija Milavec Kapun (UL). Email:

Marija Milavec Kapun (female), PhD, RN, BA, BSc., is a senior lecturer and researcher in the Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She worked as a community health nurse and as a ward nurse at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana. Her research interests include community health nursing, occupational nursing, children and people with special needs, and long-term care with a focus on prevention and self-care. Her other research interests include interest is the digitization of healthcare/nursing. She has been a board member of the Slovenian Medical Informatics Association for several years and a member of the Nursing Informatics Section. She is also a member of the Nursing and Midwifes Association of Slovenia. During her career, she has worked on several national and international projects. Most recently, she was the national coordinator of the Erasmus+ project DigiNurse - Learning ICT Supported Self-Management for Chronic Diseases in Nursing Education (2017-2020). She is also the national coordinator of the Erasmus+ projects SmartNurse - Developing Teachers´ and Nursing Students´ Competencies in Digital Nursing (2020-2023) and GenoNurse - Genetic and Genomic Nursing Education (2022-2025).

EU Partner: Luís Velez Lapão (UNL). Email:

Luís Lapão is a Professor of Digital Health and Innovation Management at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is the Coordinator of the IDeaS Intelligent Decision-Support Systems Laboratory, with Primary Healthcare as a main topic. He is also a member of both the WHO Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Policy and Planning, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Health Emergency, Resilience and Preparedness. He is the Director of the PACES Programme - Leadership and Management Course for Primary Healthcare Managers (Ministry of Health), and he has published extensively on digital health, telemedicine, and innovation management.