from October 16, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Published on October 16, 2023 Updated on February 17, 2025


EUTOPIA officially launched the “EUTOPIA Ideas Club: Raising Awareness about Inclusion and Cultural Diversity”, a student-led debate program to raise awareness of European values, intercultural differences, and identity pegs, with the objective of developing a European identity and inclusive citizenship during the BeEUTOPIAn Conference and Erasmus Days Celebration held at CY Cergy Paris University.  The discussion was facilitated by Professor Carlotta Pisano from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal). 

On Thursday, 12 October, the inaugural meeting of EUTOPIA's Ideas Club brought together approximately thirty students from the ten universities in the Alliance. This initiative explores various topics with the aim of increasing awareness of European values, intercultural differences, and identity. The first session focused mainly on the concepts of Nation, Diversity, and European Identity, as well as the ideas of multiculturalism and interculturalism. The Ideas Club intends to meet twice a year, both in-person and online, and each session will produce outcomes in the form of reports, manifestos, or audiovisual materials with the debate's conclusions.

To survive in a world of highly cosmopolitan culture and respect each other, it is important to have programmes like these to prepare the students to be tomorrow's responsible citizens. EUTOPIA as an alliance makes sure that it respects the core value of Inclusion and Diversity in all its initiatives. 


EUTOPIA MORE is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101089699. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.