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Young Leaders Academy (YLA)
Keep a watchful eye on this page and seize the opportunity to join a vibrant community of aspiring research leaders, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and shaping the future of European academia. The 2024 call for the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy is here!
The ambition of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy (YLA) is to support research exchanges between high-potential, early to mid-career researchers from all EUTOPIA partner universities and support their career development.
Members of the EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy constitute a community of promising independent research leaders at the scale of EUTOPIA, sharing and promoting European values and the EUTOPIA vision of an interconnected academic environment. The members are comprised of early to mid-career researchers, between 2 to 12 years after PhD completion, appointed for a period of 2 years.
EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy Fellows are given the opportunity:
- To develop their research leadership skills through a dedicated training programme
- To take part in interdisciplinary scholarly exchange and research networking activities among Fellows and with the broader EUTOPIA research community
- To initiate research collaborations within the EUTOPIA Alliance
- To contribute to the development of a challenge-based and student-shaped curriculum through the development of research-led learning units open to undergraduate and graduate students
- To act as EUTOPIA ambassadors, contributing to the Alliance’s activities and fostering the emergence of an integrated research community at the EUTOPIA scale
EUTOPIA MORE is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101089699. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.