Opportunities for Students (Bacherlor's to PhD)

EUTOPIA is a student-centred and student-empowering alliance providing transformative and open learning experiences. At EUTOPIA, we want to hear the voices of students and provide students with opportunities to explore their passions, collaborate across disciplines, and develop a profound understanding of global challenges. We aim to empower students through their educational journey and prepare them for the complexities of the global landscape, fostering a culture of lifelong learning, adaptability, and a commitment to making meaningful contributions to society.


On this page, you can find opportunities open to students enrolled at any of the member universities of our alliance. A selected number of opportunities are also open to students enrolled at our global partners.
Join our Student Council
EUTOPIA Student Council 

The EUTOPIA Student Council comprises student representatives from the member universities of the alliance. The Student Council brings the student perspective to the alliance governance and assists in promoting EUTOPIA to the student communities across the alliance’s members. Members of the EUTOPIA Student Council are elected every academic year by member universities according to local regulations and traditions. 

Who can apply?  Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the ten member universities of the alliance.

How to apply?  Applications for the EUTOPIA Student Council are open every year at each member university. The application process and timeline depend on the member university. Information is typically published on the local websites of our members.

Get involved in our Student Think Tank
EUTOPIA Student Think Tank (EUSTT)

The EUTOPIA Student Think Tank (EUSTT) is a platform to give voice to European students’ shared knowledge and incubate new ideas to contribute to the progress of society. It is organised by a highly diverse group of students from our member universities. The EUSTT provides students with the opportunity to publish their work and recommendations, while also offering skill development programs to involve the student community in shaping and creating policies that drive positive societal change. Check the EUSTT website to get involved in the Think Tank activities.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of ten member universities of the alliance.

How to apply? The EUSTT is continuously looking for students interested in publishing articles and for new team members. Check the EUSTT webpage to learn more and how to get involved.

Become one of our Student Career Ambassadors
EUTOPIA Student Career Ambassadors

The EUTOPIA Student Career Ambassadors are a selected group of students working in synergy with the orientation services from the member universities of the alliance. The Student Career Ambassador help students find opportunities with companies locally or abroad and assist fellow incoming students from EUTOPIA member universities in transitioning to the new institution. The Ambassadors also organise workshops open to all students, academics, and staff of the alliance to create links between partner universities’ territories and build successful profiles within the EUTOPIA community.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the ten member universities of the alliance.

How to apply? Applications for the EUTOPIA Student Career Ambassadors open every year. More information is available on the local websites of our members

Join the European Student Assembly
European Student Assembly
The European Student Assembly (ESA) is the flagship initiative of the European Universities Community Voices' Erasmus+ project. This annual event brings together approximately 250 selected European students to discuss key issues related to the European Union. Interested students can apply to participate as panel members or coordinators, contributing to a discussion panel of their choice. The selection process is a collaborative effort between EUC Voices partners and the European University Alliances. EUTOPIA students participate to the ESA since its first event in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Panel coordinators, who play a key role in the Assembly, are chosen based on their motivation and prior leadership experience in similar projects. Panel participants are actively involved from the preparation stage through to the Assembly itself, attending training sessions and weekly online meetings with experts and their fellow panelists once selected.

Who can apply? If you are a student of an educational institution that's a partner university in one of the European University Alliances.  Students who participate for the first time in ESA may apply as participants and/or panel coordinators. Students who participated in previous editions of ESA may only apply as panel coordinators, former coordinators cannot apply anymore.

P.S.: Please note that eligibility criteria may be updated from one edition of ESA to the next. Eligibility criteria will be published every year at the opening of the application period.

Contact the ESA Managers.

Take part in our Connected Communities’ cross-campus activities
Connected Communities

Our Integrated Connected Communities and Connected Learning Communities offer a wide range of cross-campus activities within courses included in the study programmes of our ten member universities and some of our global partners. Our Communities are thematic networks where teachers, researchers, students and external stakeholders cooperate in cross-campus knowledge activities. They do not impose change but aim to strengthen existing good practices in challenge-based learning and research by creating inter-university connectedness at a European scale. The Communities are thematic, focusing on a wide range of challenges in today’s society.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the ten member universities of the alliance and at participating global partners.

How to apply? Browse among the courses available in the study programme at your university and look for courses including a EUTOPIA cross-campus activity.

Benefit from the EUTOPIA TeamWork experience 

The EUTOPIA TeamWork is an online programme taking place over the summer. It entails teams of students from member universities collaborating virtually on projects or challenges presented by companies from across Europe and around the world. The EUTOPIA TeamWork provides participants with international and intercultural experiences to enhance their future career opportunities. The programme is open to students from all levels and disciplines.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the member universities participating in TeamWork. Participating universities may vary every year.

How to apply? Applications for the EUTOPIA TeamWork open every year, typically in January. More information is available on the local websites of our members.
Check our dedicated page to apply this year.

Take part in our Summer and Winter schools
Summer and Winter Schools

Each year, the member universities of EUTOPIA offer a wide range of summer and winter schools ranging from one to three weeks. The modules are taught on campus and aim to expose students to different areas of interest and out-of-the-box experiences. Summer and winter courses are open to students from all member universities and global partners of the alliance.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the member universities and global partners of the alliance.

How to apply? Applications for summer and winter schools are open throughout the year. Check here to learn more about the upcoming summer or winter schools.

Get the Ecotopia Certification

Ecotopia offers an international education pathway oriented towards sustainable development to Bachelor’s students in Economics, Management, Finance, or Business at some of the member universities or global partners of EUTOPIA. It aims to train enlightened citizens and leaders who embrace their future careers and engagements with enthusiasm and confidence in a globalized context. The Ecotopia portfolio includes dedicated courses on sustainability, an academic year abroad, and two summer schools. 

Who can apply?  Bachelor’s students enrolled at one of the following universities and faculties:

  • Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Faculty of Business
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, Faculty of Social and Solvay Business School
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics and Department of Management
  • CY Cergy Paris University, Institute of Economics and Management
  • University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
  • Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona, ESCI School of International Business
  • Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

How to apply? Check the Ecotopia webpage on our website to know more.

Get the EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation
EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation (EUCI)

The EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation (EUCI) encourages, recognises, and rewards students’ international learning. Active students or recent graduates from any of our member universities who have participated in a range of international activities can apply for this certificate, gaining recognition for their international experiences and competencies. To complete the EUCI, applicants will need to participate in a series of online seminars and compile a reflective portfolio to demonstrate their international learning.

Who can apply? Students (BA/MA/PhD) enrolled at any of the ten member universities of our alliance.

How to apply? Applications for the EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation open every year. Consult our applications and students' portfolios from previous versions of the EUCI here.

Join our annual conferences and events for students
BeEUTOPIAn – Student-led Conference

BeEUTOPIAn is an international conference organised for and by EUTOPIA students, with the help of the host university of the year. The BeEUTOPIAn conference aims to foster global citizenship and empower students with the knowledge and tools to address contemporary challenges. The conference offers a platform to exchange ideas, join in relevant discussions, and learn from diverse perspectives, to encourage students to actively engage with important issues and provide them with opportunities to learn and acquire the necessary skills to make a positive impact in their communities.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of ten member universities of the alliance.

How to apply? Applications for the BeEUTOPIAn conference are published on the local websites of our members.

Ideas Club

The Ideas Club is an annual student-led debate programme to raise awareness of European values through knowledge about intercultural differences, transcending local, regional, and national identity pegs, and developing and training European identity and inclusive citizenship competence and skills through knowledge about values, human rights, models of representation, and participation.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the ten member universities of the alliance.

How to apply? Applications for the Ideas Club open once a year.

International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR)

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is a two-day academic conference that showcases outstanding undergraduate research from around the world. The conference is organised jointly by the University of Warwick and Monash University. It is open to students from member universities and global partners of our alliance.

Who can apply? Students (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) enrolled at any of the member universities and global partners of the alliance.

How to apply? Applications for the International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) open every year. More information is available here.

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