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EDLab project aims to further the implementation of European and international joint degree programmes and the European Degree Label through a network of 13 universities and 35 associated partners including European University Alliances, ministries and quality assurance agencies.
EDLab is part of the initiative of the European Commission to pilot a joint European degree label based on a set of common criteria. The initiative was announced in the European Strategy for Universities and the Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, adopted on 5 April 2022.
- Analyse the suitability of the criteria proposed by the European Commission for the award of the European Degree Label (EDLabel);
- Analyse the barriers existing for their fulfilment, with particular but not exclusive reference to four target countries: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain;
- Analyse how an EDLabel and joint programmes enhance the global attractiveness of the European Higher Education System;
- Analyse the procedure for the issue of an EDLabel and its format, along with potential barriers to be addressed.
- Produce detailed recommendations on the basis of the project’s findings.
EDLab project has been funded by the European Commission through its Erasmus+ Pilot a joint European degree label initiative, with a total budget of 200.000 €
EDLab total duration is 12 months, from 2023-03-01 to 2024-03-01.
- 4 European Universities Alliances: ARQUS, EUTOPIA, SEA-EU, ENLIGHT
- 4 universities from each Alliance
- In each Alliance, one university from each target country: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain
- Ghent University as a positive reference outside the target countries
- University of Granada, Spain | Arqus member
- University of Padua, Italy | Arqus member
- University of Lyon 1, France | Arqus member
- University of Minho, Portugal | Arqus member
- University of Cadiz, Spain | SEA-EU member
- University of Brest, France | SEA-EU member
- University of Naples Parthenope, Italy | SEA-EU member
- University of Algarve, Portugal | SEA-EU member
- University of Pompeu Fabra, Spain | EUTOPIA member
- Nova University Lisbon, Portugal | EUTOPIA member
- Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy | EUTOPIA member
- CY Cergy Paris University, France | EUTOPIA member
- Ghent University, Belgium
Associate Partners
Given the nature of this call, the participation of national authorities and other relevant stakeholders (including students) has been given priority by the consortium. Thus, the following have agreed to work with the consortium towards the project’s objectives, in particular the removal of barriers to the effective and agile design and implementation of European joint degree programmes, considering the issue of the European Degree Label as a first step towards this long-term goal, as associate partners:
- University of Graz
- University of Leipzig
- Nord University
- Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
- University of Malta
- Vrije University of Bruxelles
- University of Basque Countries
- University of Bordeaux
- Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
- Associazione Cimea
- Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie
- Vlaamse Gemeenschap
- European Students' Union
- Coimbra Group ASBL
- European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education
- Agencia para la Calidad Cientifica y Universitaria de Andalucia
- UNIMED - Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo
- University of Vilnius
- University of Wroclow
- University of Split
- University of Gdanski
- Technical University of Dresden
- Babes Bolyai University
- Anvur
- Associazione Alunni dell'Università degli studi di Padova
- 32 Agencia de Avaliacao e Acreditacao do Ensino Superior
- Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia
- Erasmus Student Network AISBL
- The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities
- Association pour la Cooperation Academique
- Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association
- Ministerio de Universidades
- Agencia Nacional de Evaluacion de la Calidad y Acreditación
- Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad
- Asociacion de Universidades Grupo Montevideo