Doctoral Supervision: A EUTOPIA Development Course on Best Practices


There is a significant demand in modern universities to create a course for helping academics to develop competences to supervise PhD students. Our university used to have one such successful programme in the past. However, in the context of the EUTOPIA European University Alliance, we thought this would be most interesting if shared among the different Universities that may show interest in participating. One such joint programme would be labelled as “EUTOPIA training”.

This programme will offer an opportunity to take part in a series of lecture workshops giving expert insight into the various responsibilities of PhD supervision. 

Satisfied students are productive researchers, and students who feel they get high quality supervision will be happy students and prospective efficient researchers. 

With this short course we aim to use the EUTOPIA European University Alliance to share the best practices in modern academia across our institutions on how to be an efficient and professional supervisor. 

Content of the course 

The professional development of supervisors is considered a requirement for successful doctoral education. EUTOPIA partners are offered the possibility for their current and future PhD supervisors to interact with a panel of experts for a series of short training sessions. Different aspects of the supervision of doctoral students will be addressed in interactive online sessions on a weekly basis.

Target audience
  • Academic staff of EUTOPIA universities and associated partners, especially young researchers.
  • All faculty members currently supervising PhD students or that aim to become supervisors. 
Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the program the participant will learn and understand:
  • How their role as a PhD supervisor develops over time 
  • The responsibilities of a PhD supervisor both legally, practically, and morally 
  • Best practices regarding ethics, conflict prevention, feedback, and communication 
Calendar for PhD Supervisors Training
Session Name Organising University Date Lecturer
Expectations when accepting PhD students University of Warwick 
February 26th    
Daniel Branch
The PhD supervisory relationship University of Warwick & University of Ljubljana March 5th  Daniel Branch 
Vesna Zabkar
Challenges in educating PhDs University of Ljubljana  March 12th Vesna Zabkar
Reviewing progress during a PhD NOVA University Lisbon March 19th Isabel Nunes
Co-supervision challenges Vrije Universiteit Brussel March 26th Leo Van Grunsven
Conflict management in PhD supervision TU Dresden April 2nd Katharina Ulbrich
Research ethics in PhD training Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona April 9th Marianna Nadeu
Supporting students in PhD Babeș-Bolyai University April 16th Laura Visu-Petra
Communication in PhD supervision Ca’Foscari University of Venice April 23rd Patrick Heinrich
Outcome-based doctoral education CY Cergy Paris University April 30th Hendrik Eijsberg
Training for research exposure NOVA University Lisbon May 7th ITQB
Preparing PhD for the job market Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona May 14th Roser Pinyol

  • Daniel Branch:
  • Vesna Zabkar: 
  • Isabel Nunes:
  • Marianna Nadeu:
  • Laura Visu-Petra:
  • Patrick Heinrich:
  • Roser Pinyol:
  • Leo Van Grunsven: