from January 30, 2023 to February 28, 2023
Published on January 30, 2023 Updated on January 30, 2023

EUTOPIA TRAIN delivers Open Science training

Open Science TRAIN
Open Science TRAIN

EUTOPIA TRAIN is going forward. This upcoming year will be full of events and all the reports and papers will be accessible through Zenodo and soon also through TRAINs webpage.

EUTOPIA TRAIN aims to deliver Open Science training to EUTOPIA researchers and staff. Through the period from January 2021 until December 2022, we carried out webinars and developed five training guides on topics such as; Open Science in Horizon Europe, Research Data Management, Reproducible research, as well as Open Access publishing. Based on our commitment to openness, almost all resources are made available via YouTube or Zenodo for later use, with open licenses. Nearly 245 participants joined in on one of our webinars, showing that our activities reach a large audience. The resources, videos and training guides, have been downloaded or viewed at least 430 times.

Plans to further the impact of our trainings include the development of quizzes to gauge learning achievements and a staff training on Open Science. This foundation will also be expanded through activities in the EUTOPIA-MORE project, which will provide even more dedicated Open Science training and support to the EUTOPIA Connected Research Communities. For more information read the following report : Hands-on EUTOPIA Research Data Management Open Science e courses for Researchers and Data Stewards.