on March 31, 2023
Published on April 11, 2023 Updated on April 26, 2023

Connected Community in Action: Hey, is that my data?!

Students in the LC 'Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics' explored the legal issues around the use of personal data access requests as an educational tool.

A team composed of VUB students taking the course 'Privacy and Data Protection Law' with Prof. Dr Gloria González Fuster, in which students share their own experiences in submitting data access requests, explored the main legal challenges of organising coordinated requests in the context of education. They worked in parallel with students at CY taking the course ‘Data Protection and New Digital Tools’ of the Master of Political Ideas in the Digital Age, of Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Kotzinos.

Following cross-campus exchanges, the VUB team created a podcast reflecting on the lessons learned. The interdisciplinary approach allowed students to think about how reconcile different rights and interests, as well as different disciplinary perspectives.

Want to discover more, the podcast is available HERE. (see "Learning Community Activities --> Past activities")