On June 21st 2023, the EUTOPIA partner universities, represented by the highest authorities in Education, Research and/or Internationalisation, selected ten new integrated Connected Communities (CCs) covering diverse thematics:
Science, Art & Community
Environmental Humanities
Quantum Technologies
Human-Centred AI on Embodied Multimodal Interaction
ECOTOPIA, Educational and Research Network for the development of short-term mobility programmes
Ocean Challenges
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
New Technologies for Social Inclusion
Learning & Research in Mathematics for Technology and Innovation
Global Health
The CCs are the building blocks of the EUTOPIA approach for empowering knowledge in EUTOPIA MORE, inspired by the outcomes of the Connected Learning Communities (CLC) and Connected Research Communities (CRC). Aligned with the EUTOPIA alliance vision on openness, they aim to bridge the typical divides that still characterise academia: Connecting academia and society, Teaching and Research in cross-campus formats, and Inclusion.
Led by permanent staff members in one of the alliance universities who are willing and motivated to reach out to partners/colleagues working on similar topics in the EUTOPIA alliance, they aim to strengthen existing good practices in challenge-based learning and research by creating inter-university connectedness and cooperating in cross-campus knowledge activities.
The CC onboarding sessions will take place on September 26th 2023. CC leads and partners will then enter a so-called incubation period where they gradually move from sharing resources to implementing connected cross-campus knowledge activities supported by the EUTOPIA central WP Empowering Knowledge team. More details to come on each CC (stay tuned for their web pages for further updates!).