on March 10, 2022
Published on September 30, 2022 Updated on September 30, 2022

Testimonials from the Learning Communities - LC Onboarding Event, March 2022

Video testimonials collected by Armando Uribe-Echeverria at the Onboarding Event of the 12 latest Learning Communities. Barcelona - 12th March 2022

Subtitles are available on the Youtube Videos.
  • Jo Angouri, academic director for education and internationalization at the University of Warwick
  • Bernard Crump, Professor of practice in Healthcare and Leadership at Warwick Business School

  • Marina Klemenčič, Assitant Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Ljubljana

  • Carlos Castillo, Research Professor in Computer Science at the UPF

  • Alexandre Pierre - Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at CY Cergy Paris Université

  • Manel Jiménez, Vice-rector of educational transformation, culture and communication at UPF, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

  • Els Consuegra, Teacher Educator at the VUB

  • Pierre Purseigle, War and Urban Catastrophes historian at the University of Warwick

  • Ewa-Lena Bratt, Associate professor and senior lecturer at the institute of Health and Care Sciences at the University of Gothenburg

  • Veronica Lilja, Course leader / coordinator for “Care in Long-term conditions” at the Department of Health and care Sciences at the University of Gothenburg

  • Azar Hedemalm, International academic coordinator for exchange students in the department of Health and Care Sciences at University of Gothenburg