from April 25, 2024 to May 15, 2024
Published on September 18, 2024 Updated on September 18, 2024

Introducing the EUTOPIA Review

We are proud to announce the publication of the n. 1 issue of the EUTOPIA Review. In an age dominated by fleeting tweets and viral videos, the timeless tradition of intellectual reviews remains a standard of thoughtful discourse. Reviews have been the cornerstone of European thought for over two centuries, fostering cultural dialogue and transcending borders.

While social media and streaming platforms offer convenience, they often fall short in providing the nuanced analysis needed to navigate today's complex issues. EUTOPIA enters this void, offering room for exploration and critical thinking. More than just a publication, the EUTOPIA Review is a nexus of ideas, bringing together voices from across Europe and beyond. Through essays and interviews, it provides a platform for scholars to engage in cross-disciplinary dialogue.

With a focus on high-quality research and scholarship, it aims to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of academic discourse. Welcome to a new era in the exchange of ideas between our 10 European universities!

For the first issue, the spotlight is set on Climate Change with contributions from renowned experts, most of them belonging to our members universities:

  • Lučka Kajfež Bogataj

Cities role in reducing global environmental pressures

  • Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner, Chiara Rinaldi

Sustainable tourism—What It Is and How To Progress Towards It

  • Carla Lancelotti, Ariadna Moreno Gay

The Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona contribution to Planetary Wellbeing

  • Emrah Atasoy

Reconsidering Narratives: Speculative Fiction’s Role in Addressing Climate Change in the Anthropocene

  • The interview: A conversation with François Taddéi

Interdisciplinarity to face global challenges

  • Science DiplomacyÉric Piaget

Eutopian Science Diplomacy: From Historical Roots to Climate Change Frontiers  

Browse the first issue or download it here.