SIF 2nd Cohort Fellows - Nena Mocnik, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Curriculum Vitae

Nena Mocnik is Maria Skłodowska Curie EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND Postdoctoral Fellow and a first Digital Humanism Fellow (awarded by Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action and IWM Vienna). As a researcher, educator, and community worker, she is interested in the topics of collective traumas, identity (gender) violence, and art-based sociotherapy.

  • Education
26.5.2015, PhD, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Social and Political Science

30.9. 2011, MA, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Cultural and Religious Studies

30.09. 2009, BA, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Culturology
  • Experience
September 2019-August 2021, CY Cergy – Paris (France), Paris-Seine Initiative visiting researcher

March 2017-August 2019, University of Turku (Finland), postdoctoral researcher

October 2011-May 2016, University of Ljubljana, research assistant
  • Publications/Research achievements

Research Project:

Enhancing the Potential to Provide Reproductive Health Support to Traumatized Refugee Mothers through Community Developed Mobile App

Women and children make up more than half of the refugees crossing to Europe, and almost one in 10 of women are pregnant. Exposed to different types of violence in their home country, on the move and in the country of resettlement most of the refugee mothers suffer from severe post-traumatic stress disorder. The project proposed to create content for the model of a community driven app MoMS (‘Moving Moms Support’) to critically respond to the current problematic nature of humanitarian intervention, based in reductionistic Western, medicalized understanding of reproductive health and related traumas.

Addressing on of the major European challenges since 2015, and designed as participatory action research, the project follows Agenda 2030 and exploits the potential benefits of the increasing post-Covid trend in digitalization. Project will in a long run have an important impact on reproductive health and well-being, digital literacy, autonomy, and equality of refugee mothers.