SIF 2nd Cohort Fellows - Maria Victoria Inostroza, University of Ljubljana

Curriculum Vitae
  • Education

15/10/2015-27/09/2021, PhD, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Discipline: Law

30/09/2014-30/10/2015, Master in Global Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy, University of Genoa, Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy, Italy
Discipline: Philosophy of Law

07/07/2014, Teaching Diploma in Law, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discipline: Education

15/09/2002-30/12/2008, Law Degree, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Discipline: Law

  • Experience

2022-until September 2022, Postdoctoral researcher on democratic theory, transnational and global democracy, and the ethics of voting. Pompeu Fabra University, Spain.
Position funded under H2020 ‘Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective’.

28/09/2021-15/09/2022, Postdoctoral researchern Pompeu Fabra University, Spain.
Research, teaching and administrative duties.

15/09/2018-27/09/2021, Predoctoral researcher, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain.
Research, teaching and administrative duties

  • Publications/Research achievements

Article ‘Democracia Global con Atajos’, in Revista de Derecho del Estado, forthcoming.

Article 'Sovereign Schliberties. Where Pettit’s International protection of individual freedom falls short', in Revus – Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law, 46, 2022.

Article ‘¿Un normativismo "redondo"? El positivismo jurídico “interno” a examen’, with Alba Lojo, in Discusiones, 26(1), 211–251.

Book chapter ‘Elecciones, opciones y libertad: cómo el Estado puede obstaculizarlas o hacernos libres’ in Acciones Privadas y Constitución: la autonomía personal en la interpretación del artículo 19 de la constitución nacional Álvarez, S., Gargarella, R. and Iosa, J., Rubinzal-Culzoni Ed, pp. 795-810, 2021.

Article ‘For the People: A Republican Stand on International Intervention.’
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política (RLFP), v. 7, Special Issue: Human Rights under Threat, pp. 43-64, 2018.

Research Project:

Breaches of the Rule of Law

The rule of law is commonly celebrated as one of the fundamental values of the European Union, and yet there is a deep and persistent disagreement among Member States and EU institutions as to what constitutes a breach or violation of the rule of law in certain circumstances. My research will propose a new legal framework for dealing with breaches of the rule of law in order to reduce the above disagreement. The framework consists of three pillars: (1) a new typology of breaches based on their seriousness; (2) a robust set of guidelines for assessing whether a breach of a particular type has occurred; and (3) a list of possible remedies for each type of breach with an indication of their expected efficiency.

More specifically, the typology of breaches will systematise the data obtained from a pioneering experimental study of how variability in institutional context and/or variability in the breach-constituting factors affect our perception of the severity of a particular breach. Secondly, guidelines for the assessment of breaches of the rule of law will emerge from the combination of an experimental survey I will conduct to test the reliability and objectivity of different assessment standards and a cost-benefit analysis to determine their feasibility.

Finally, I will draw on the behavioural economic analysis of law to add nudges for institutional behaviour to the list of possible remedies for breaches of the rule of law and calculate the expected efficiency of various remedies for each type of breach.