• Education

Published on January 17, 2022 Updated on January 17, 2022

EUTOPIA curriculum team secures Erasmus+ funding with FLECSLAB proposal

The EU Key Action 2 Proposal FLECSLAB introduced by the central EUTOPIA curriculum team has been approved in November 2021. It will be starting in January 2022, and will run for a period of three years. 

FLECSLAB focuses on the potential of the EUTOPIA Educational Model for lifelong learning purposes. The proposal has two core objectives:

  1. the project delivers a framework and well-tested implementation tool to explore the potential of a European University alliance for creating a substantial LLL offer based on existing components of their curricula.
  2. through piloting and real hands-on experience, the project aims at introducing a business model that will allow European Universities to maintain their efforts for a high-quality offer in LLL.

The building blocks of FLECSLAB are the work being undertaken in and with the Connected Learning Communities, linking best practices in open and active learning across the EUTOPIA partner universities. Interinstitutional teams of academic staff organize complementary teaching processes on selected topics that are transdisciplinary and embedded in a wide range of degree programs at all levels of the education cycle (ba, ma and phd).

More on the EUTOPIA Educational model