Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The previous experience in two LC from the first round allows us to leverage all experiences and activities delivered merging them with this new wage of Connected Communities. The transversal spirit of Entrepreneurship and innovation allows us to create this new Community in collaboration with already EUTOPIA engaged members to span its impact in a less risky and open way.

The CC will create a motivate environment across the EUTOPIA involved partners for researcher, student, staff and mentor participation and long-term commitment in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation. The methodology used will be based on a very applied approach, following a learning-by-doing method, where best practices will be continuously identified to jointly adopted, in a sustainable way.

The expansion of the Community is also foreseen from the very beginning. The experience of setting a EIT HEI proposal created a first partnership with components from all members of the alliance that will be invited to join it to become a fully EUTOPIA MORE activity.
Connected Community Activities
Upcoming Activities

CC Entrepreneurship and Innovation Workshop

Past Activities

How to get involved?

CC lead: Miquel Oliver (miquel.oliver@upf.edu)
Local Facilitator: Laia Cotet (laia.cotet@upf.edu)

Connected Community Members
Lead: Miquel Oliver (UPF). Email: miquel.oliver@upf.edu

Miquel Oliver
Miquel Oliver

Miquel Oliver is Full Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He received his Ph.D. from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 1999, a Degree in Business Administration (UOC, 2009) and GloColl Executive Education (Harvard, 2011-12). Before joining UPF, he was Associate Professor at the UPC and Visiting Scholar at Rutgers University (US, 1999). He is leading the multidisciplinary Networking and Strategies Research Group (NeTS) since its foundation. He has been Visiting Scientist at the MIT (2013-14) and in Columbia University (2011). His research is on wireless communications, with a multidisciplinary view including regulation, telecom policies and economic impact.

Prof. Oliver has authored over 120 technical papers (Google-schoolar), over 40 counted in ISI WoK Journals, 37,9% in Top 10% Journals Percentiles according to SCOPUS, as well as edited three books, holds three patents, supervised thirteen Ph.D. thesis and confounded and advised one spinoff company. Four of his papers have received the best paper award in international conferences. He is active member of the panEuropean EUNICE network, created to foster the mobility in the field of ICT to promote research cooperation between its member institutions.

Dr. Oliver has lead the design and deployment of the Telecommunication Engineering Degree at the UPF, as well as the Master in ICT Strategic Management. He received two Jaume Vicens Vives distinctions (2004 and 2005) from the Generalitat de Catalunya to the Quality at Teaching. Miquel Oliver is currently the director of the Telefonica's Chair devoted to study the impact of MOOCs. In this area he has been pushing the UCATx MOOCs initiative from the Catalan Government to orchestrate a joint offer from 12 Catalan universities. He has been involved in the government of the UPF since its arrival in 2001. First as Vice-Director of the Telecommunication Engineering School until 2004 when he became Director. Then, after a period serving the DTIC as Vice-Director, he was engaged with the UPF government as Vice-Rector for Institutional Strategy and Quality (2008-13 and 2015-16). Thus, the commitment with both the DTIC and the UPF has been intense and combined always with continuous research and teaching activities.

Partner: Thomas Crispeels (VUB). Email: Thomas.Crispeels@vub.be

Thomas Crispeels
Thomas Crispeels

Thomas Crispeels is Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel at the department of Business Technology and Operations. He holds a PhD in Applied Economics (Business Engineer): Essays on Inter-Organizational Collaboration in the Biotechnology Industry.

Partner: Henrique João Domingos (NOVA). Email: hj@fct.unl.pt

Henrique Joao Domingos
Henrique Joao Domingos

Henrique is Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science (Departamento de Informática), NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT/UNL - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa). See also his prior academic affiliations and positions. He is also an Integrated Research Member and Memver of the Scientific Committee at NOVA LINCS - Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA LINCS). His research activities integrated in the context of the NOVA LINCS Computer Systems Research Group

His research is focused on Security and Privacy in Large Scale Scale Distributed Systems, Computer Networks and IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum Systems. His current research interests and activities cover Dependability, Security, Decentralized Trust, Privacy-Preservation and Trusted Execution solutions for Distributed Computing Systems, Internetworking Protocols, Outsourced Data-Management, Confidential Computing and HW-Enabled Trusted Isolated Environments.

Partner: Vladi Finotto (UNIVE). Email: vfinotto@unive.it

Vladi Finotto
Vladi Finotto

Vladi Finotto, associate professor of strategy and entrepreneursgip at the Department of Management, Ca'Foscari University of Venice. His research focuses on the implications of digital technology on small and medium sized enterprises in mediumtech industries and on organizations.