Data and Critical Thinking Cross-Campus Activity

Cross-EUTOPIA student debate

This activity’s goal is to help students develop their critical thinking through debating on Covid-19 topics. Students are gathered into teams of 3 people max, where they have to play 2 matches (on two different topics) and be the referee for one other match.

During a match, students are asked to defend a point by exposing data and figures (charts, graphs…) from worldwide research results on the topics to strengthen their arguments. Indeed they need to analyze the collected data and extract the main information to build their argument and try to convince the opposing party. While listening to their opponents’ argumentation, they also need to analyze the exposed data to detect fallacies and take down the argument. The 3rd match, where they are in charge of being the referee, allows them to analyze the exposed data of the two debating teams from an external point of view and then evaluate their peer’s performance

  • DATE: March 3rd 2021
  • LOCATION: Virtual event – platform: Teams
  • HOST:  EUTOPIA LC Data and Critical Thinking  – coordinated by Matthieu Cisel & Tomy Quenet (CY)
  • PARTICIPANTS: 37 CY/GU/UPF/UoW students
  • MORE INFO: brochure


“It was a very enriching experience and very well organized giving the circumstances. I had a very good time while debating and meeting other students, it gave me a very good feeling being with others even if it was at distance.”

“I think it was very enriching, working on how to construct a good argument and counterattack argument from the opposite side was a really good activity. Moreover, I think I’ve learned a lot on the different topics by looking for content for the debate.”

“Super fun and interesting! I learned so much. It was really cool to work with international students across Europe. I wish we had more opportunities to interact with other EUTOPIA students informally! Thank you so much for organizing this enriching experience, I can’t wait to join more!”

“Good to meet other people at my Uni, especially when so hard to during pandemic. Also to see others’ views and see points from a perspective I hadn’t thought. Also enjoyed reading studies from journals and professional documents, not just BBC news!”

“It was an exciting experience interacting with students from multiple universities and discussing a topic using logical and well-documented arguments. I would like to participate in such cross-university events again.”