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Here you can find all EUTOPIA documents made public:
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: Education
- WP2.2 - A report detailing the obstacles, enablers and solutions for a truly European University. PDF.
- WP2.2 - Executive summary report EUTOPIA Barriers and Enablers. PDF.
- EUTOPIA WP2 Strategic Note June 2020. PDF.
- EUTOPIA WP2 Strategic Note February 2021. PDF.
- EUTOPIA WP2 Strategic Note: CLC life cycle and innovation potential, November 2021. PDF.
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: Research
- WP3.1.2.1 - Building the EUTOPIA Research Networks: 6 EUTOPIA Network workshops - Tracking engagement of staff in workshops through activity reports, alanyses and impact indicators (TI).
- + WP3.1.3.1 - Defining new EUTOPIAn Research Actions: Sandpit Events (TI).
- -> Justification for the amendmeny and the creation of the Connected Research Communities (CRCs). PDF.
- WP3.2.1.1 - The EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy (YLA): YLA Fellows (PC).
- + WP3.2.1.2 - YLA Workshops. PDF.
- WP3.3.1.1 - Start-up and Innovation Competition and Mobility Programme: Start-up competitions (PC)
- + WP3.3.1.3 - A report on mobility visits to identify good practice and capture details of learning.
- -> Integrating and opening research, innovation and knowledge creating in EUTOPIA: The promotion of innovation. PDF.
- WP3.4.2.1 – Report sharing best practices on Open Data and Open Educational Resources (TI). PDF.
- WP3.4.2.2 - Policy Report on joint policies and strategies for EUTOPIA institutions on developing and integrating the Open Science Agenda. PDF.
- WP3.4.2.3 - Develop training guides for staff, students and researchers for online research communication and packaging together with WP7. PDF.
- WP3.4.3.1 - The EUTOPIA Research Knowledge Bazaar: Funding bid for a Research Knwoledge Bazaar. PDF.
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: Place-making
- WP4.1.2.1 - WP4.1.2.2 - WP4.1.2.3: Be EUTOPIAn award, finalist teams identified, award, briefings. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.1 - Place Discovery under the weDISCOVER label: site-visit projects - WeDiscover Days Barcelona. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.1-PR WE DISCOVER DAYS Barcelona. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.1-We Discover Days Barcelona_website information. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.1 – Place Discovery under the weDISCOVER label_WeDiscover Days_BCN_28th-30th October 2020_EUTOPIA WEEK Presentation_final. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.1 – Place Discovery under the weDISCOVER label_WeDiscoverDaysBarcelona_Programme__Final. PDF.
- WP4.2.1.2 - Place Discovery under the weDISCOVER label. Visits with reports
- + WP4.2.1.3 - Place Discovery under the weDISCOVER label: briefings. PDF.
- WP4.2.2.1 - EUTOPIA Student Career Ambassadors: develomment if 6 SCA.
- + WP4.2.2.2 - SCA annual meeting
- + WP4.2.2.3 - SCA Employability sessions.
- -> PDF.
- WP4.3 – Final Challenge Programme open to students teams. (Videos from the student groups of the Open Innovation Challenge at the time of the we.DISCOVER Week Brussels event) :
- WP4.3.2 - Final Challenge Programme open to student teams: Identifying opportunities beyond the pilot. PDF.
- WP4.3.3 - Final Challenge Programme open to students teams: Feedback reports. PDF.
- Local Challenge Videos:
- CY Cergy Paris Université: Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4; Group 5
- Göteborgs Universitet: Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4; Group 5
- Univerza v Ljubljani: Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4; Group 5
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona: Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4; Group 5
- University of Warwick: Group 1; Group 2;
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4; Group 5; Group 6; Group 7; Group 8
- WP4.4.1- Co-creation space and Knowledge hubs: Setting place-based Knowledge Hubs and co-creation space. PDF 1; PDF 2.
- WP4.4.2.1 - WeEUTOPIANs challenge competition: Setting student-based challenges. PDF.
- WP4.4.2.2 - WeEUTOPIANs challenge competition: WeEutopian challenge competition_Risk Analysis. PDF.
- WP4.4.2.2 – WeEUTOPIANs challenge competition_EUTOPIA Hackathon. PDF.
- WP4.4.2.3 - WeEUTOPIANs challenge competition: Hackaton week
- + WP4.4.2.4 - WeEUTOPIANs challenge competition: 3 teams selected for ongoing work of challenges
- -> PDF.
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: Inclusion
- WP5.1.1.2 - An operational common framework for identifying disadvantaged student communities applicable in diverse European Universities. PDF.
- WP5.1.1.3 – A common framework for identifying best practices for inclusion applicable in diverse European universities. PDF.
- WP5.1.1.4 - Dissemination events among staff and students on the EUTOPIA campuses. PDF.
- WP5.1.3.1 - Toolkit of educational formats which facilitate inclusion. PDF.
- WP5.1.3.2 - A roadmap for implementation of inclusive educational formats. PDF.
- WP5.1.3 - Take-up analysis report of toolkits of educational formats facilitating inclusion. PDF 1; PDF 2.
- WP5.1.3.4 - Impact report on the implementation of pilot measures. PDF.
- WP5.1.3.5 - Diversity Day to disseminate the results of this sub work package to policy makers and stakeholders and launch as an annual EUTOPIA event. PDF.
- WP5.2.1.1 - Mobility visits. PDF.
- WP5.2.1.2 - Reflection paper on the benefits of inversing the dissemination of knowledge and best practices that traditionally runs from North to South and from West to East in the case of university inclusion and equality policies. PDF.
- WP5.2.2.1 - Eight workshops with approximately 40 participants in each where two experts from each EUTOPIA university and two experts from the Western Balkan universities will make contribution at each.
- WP5.2.2.2 - An open and interactive Western Balkan universities' database on inclusion policies and practices. PDF.
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: International
EUTOPIA 2050 (2019-2022) Work Package: Sustainability & dissemination
- WP7.1.2.6: Long term and sustainable business model: EUTOPIA foundation. PDF.
- WP7.2.3.1: Dissemination of EUTOPIA stratzgy, activities and results: website launched.
- WP7.2.3.2: Dissemination of EUTOPIA stratzgy, activities and results: Twitter account launched.
- WP7.2.3.3: Dissemination of EUTOPIA stratzgy, activities and results: Instagram account launched.
- WP7.2.3.4: Dissemination of EUTOPIA stratzgy, activities and results: Youtube Content.
- WP7.2.3.5: Dissemination of EUTOPIA stratzgy, activities and results: Science Fairs.
- WP7.2.3.6: Dissemination of EUTOPIA strategy, activities, and results: Seminars.