from November 23, 2023 to December 7, 2023
Published on October 27, 2023 Updated on November 23, 2023

Guest lectures series on Inequalities (fall 2023)

The EUTOPIA Learning Community "Inequalities in Contemporary Societies" is organising a series of online lectures with 3 guest speakers from the academic and professional sectors:

--> To attend the lectures, please fill in this registration form at least one day before the chosen lecture. You will receive the link to join the online lecture room a couple of days before the lecture.

[POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE] Nov 23 2023, 16h30-18h30 CET - Child poverty analysis and its connection to public policy.
By Ariane Aumaitre (KSNET - Knowledge Sharing Network S.L)
The session will discuss key topics such as the assessment of the needs of children and households in poverty, the identification of best practices and the elaboration of concrete, quantifiable, and implementable policy proposals. Specific projects in the area will be used as examples, including a quantification of the societal cost of poverty. A Q&A will follow.

Nov 30 2023, 16h30-18h30 CET - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Inclusion WorkStream
By Marina Mendes Tavares (International Monetary Fund)
This presentation delves into the evolution of the IMF's workstream on inclusion. It'll examine the parameters set by the institution to determine the relevancy of inclusion from the IMF's perspective. Further, we'll explore the methods the IMF employs to embed inclusion considerations in its surveillance, lending, and research workstreams. Lastly, it'll discuss the hurdles the IMF staff face when prioritizing inclusion. A Q&A will follow.

Dec 7 2023, 16h30-18h30 CET - Financial well-being and financial literacy inequalities in Romania
By Miruna POCHEA (Department of Finance, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania):
Financial education initiatives rapidly developed across the EU, motivated by various international factors such as financial exclusion, population ageing, increasing debt burden, lack of consumer knowledge, or inefficient public good allocation. While these negative factors created an opportunity to multiply financial education programs, they also added an extra layer of complexity for policy implementation. This study quantifies financial well-being and its determinants, including financial literacy, in Romania. It addresses the primary factors driving low levels of financial inclusion and the interdependence between financial system development and financial education. To understand the determinants of financial well-being in Romania, we conducted a survey using a questionnaire of 1,391 respondents. In general, the results reveal a notable inequality in the distribution of financial well-being among individuals, suggesting the persistence of a poverty trap perpetuated by structural economic deficiencies. In the absence of efficient public policies, the uneducated and low-income individuals do not have access to information being unable to save/ invest and participate in the financial system. A Q&A will follow.

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