Background and Needs Addressed

Challenges in Health require integrating knowledge and communication between specialists from different health-related fields to develop effective solutions. 

The EUTOPIA HEALTH initiative, starting in January 2024, aims to create a novel and innovative framework for the integrative academic management of health-related scientific areas, facilitating changes in the academic landscape within the European research area through a comprehensive institutional transformation. 

The project targets mainly three Widening countries (Romania, Slovenia, Portugal) of the EUTOPIA Alliance, which traditionally lagged in health-related domains, striving to overcome funding and publication disparities and spearheading academic excellence and innovation in these critical domains. 


The project aims to empower institutional transformation by strengthening health-related R&I management capacity and upgrading and adapting R&I management strategies and policies within the Widening HEIs of the project consortium in line with the principles of the European research assessment reform. 

A health-focused R&I network will be established through Connected Health Research Communities that will receive inter/transdisciplinary training, research mobilities for early-career researchers and seed funding for research collaborations, all centred around health-related challenges.

Planned Outcomes

By employing integrative, transdisciplinary approaches and implementing flexible academic career pathways in Health, the project focuses on creating a Health innovation ecosystem bridging the Health research communities to society, business partners, and policymakers by mainstreaming Open/Citizen/Inclusive/Collaborative Science practices and translating research into tailored social innovation supported solutions. 

The EUTOPIA_HEALTH project, through its comprehensive activities, will positively impact the R&I achievements, research excellence, international visibility, and funding absorption rate of the Widening consortium HEIs and the entire EUTOPIA Alliance.

  • Type of Action: HORIZON-CSA (Coordination and Support Actions)
  • Starting of the project: 1 January 2024
  • Duration: 60 months
  • Budget: 4,999,960 EUR
  • Partners
    • Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
    • Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)
    • Ca'Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
    • CY Cergy Paris Université (France)
    • University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
    • University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
    • NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal)
    • Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona (Spain)
  • Associate Partner:
    • The University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
  • Coordinator: Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)