from June 7, 2024 to July 7, 2024
Published on June 6, 2024 Updated on June 13, 2024

University of the Month: The Babeș-Bolyai University

Have you ever been tempted to know more about the universities that make up the EUTOPIA alliance? Your curiosity is justified! This month's feature allows you to dive headfirst into an important aspect of a member university. 

The fourth university in this series is Babeș-Bolyai University, which has chosen to focus on Pathways to Cohesion, under the pretext of EUTOPIA Week Cluj-Napoca, in June 2024. 

Today, UBB is a complex multicultural university with three lines of study in Romanian, Hungarian, and German, offering academic programs in 17 languages.

The Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (UBB), is the largest and one of the oldest universities in the country. UBB’s main areas of study range from art/humanities, social sciences, life and natural sciences, mathematics/ computer sciences, and engineering and technology. UBB is also the host of 24 cultural centres, foreign institutes, and libraries. Babeș-Bolyai is the only University in Romania to host such a diversity of cultures under its institutional umbrella, as proof of its multiculturality and engagement in the academic and local/regional communities.

UBB holds the highest position in Romania in the University Metaranking, a comprehensive academic ranking combining major international university rankings, like ARWU, QS, THE, etc. 

This month, along with the institution’s ID card, we feature an interview to help you discover some aspects of the UBB's historical campus.