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Eutopia updates (11.06.2019)
On the 4th and the 5th of June, representants of all EUTOPIA partners have met in Gothenburg to discuss the different work packages and plan next steps. Students representatives were also present to discuss their involvement within EUTOPIA and its governance. The results of this meeting will be shared with the presidents on the 12th of July.
On the 12th of June, Warwick is organizing a ‘place-making’ policy event in Brussels on the following topic: Bridges to European Economic Development: Universities, Partnership and Social Value. Invitation to attend the event have already been sent to all partners. Please find attached an agenda of the event for your information.
Alliance related news
After the EUTOPIA Launch event in Brussels on the 28th of February, a little promotion video was produced. Please find it here on YouTube. It has also been added to the EUTOPIA website. Don’t hesitate to share it within your institution!
In the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings the University of Gothenburg was placed 6th and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona was placed 29th. They are global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. For SDG4 Quality Education, the University of Gothenburg was even ranked first. Congratulations! The full data and methodology can be found through this link.
VUB and UPF are speaking to Warwick about participating in the virtual International Conference for Undergraduate Research (ICUR) for the first-time next September.
This is a kind reminder about the launching by the Paris Seine Institute of Advanced Studies of the EUTOPIA Visiting Fellowships, to facilitate the hosting of EUTOPIA researchers wishing to collaborate with Paris Seine faculty. Relevant details can be found through this link.
This is a kind reminder about the Joint Summer School Toulouse-Ljubljana, which will take place from 13 June to 26 July 2019. For participants coming from universities that are partners of both organizing institutions (School of Economics and Busines of the University of Ljubljana and Toulouse Business School), a discount (200 €) is ensured. More information is available here.
This a kind reminder about the recruitment by the VUB of experienced researchers for the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action – Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF), which is part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 funding scheme. The applicant will have to write a proposal to further expound his or her idea regarding e.g. innovation, training and stakeholders. The repository and instructions on how to proceed can be found here.