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Quantum Technologies Initiative
The central task of this community is to establish the "EUTOPIA Quantum Technologies Initiative", by capitalising on the existing scientific and teaching cooperation between a number of EUTOPIA partners and to bring this cooperation to a new level by creating the core of the Quantum Technologies programme. This Centre of Excellence will be used to establish new cooperation with other partners within EUTOPIA, and other Universities/industry.
Connected Community Activities
- Upcoming Activities
Coming soon - Past Activities
Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting (TEMM) 2024
10th and 11th June 2024 - Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
Prof. Dmitry Kovrizhin and Roderich Moessner will give a talk as invited speakers.
Talks will cover current research in both theoretical and experimental magnetism, and is intended for anybody who wishes to become familiar with current research in this area, with the special emphasis to bring scientists from UK and abroad together to foster long-term collaborations.
Belgian Quantum Physics Initiative (BQPi) colloquium "Meandering “edge states” and the tunable nature of quantised charge transport"By Prof. Dmitry Kovrizhin (LPTM Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France), Thursday March 14th 2024, at Salle Solvay (Campus Plaine ULB, Brussels).
The discovery of the quantum Hall effect founded the field of topological condensed matter physics. The amazingly accurate quantisation of the Hall conductivity, now enshrined in quantum metrology, was ascribed to its `topological protection’: essentially, it is stable against any reasonable perturbation. Conversely, topological protection thus implies a form of censorship, as it completely hides any local information from the observer. The spatial distribution of the current in the sample is such a piece of information, which has become accessible thanks to spectacular experimental advances. It is an old question whether an original, and intuitively compelling, picture of the current flowing in a narrow channel along the sample edge is the physically correct one. Motivated by recent experiments locally imaging the quantised current flow in a Chern insulating (Bi, Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ heterostructure, we theoretically demonstrate the possibility of a broad `edge state' meandering away from the sample boundary deep into the sample bulk. Further, we show that varying experimental parameters permits continuously tuning between narrow edge states and meandering channels all the way to incompressible bulk transport. This accounts for various features observed in, and differing between, experiments. Overall, this underscores the robustness of topological condensed matter physics, but it also unveils a phenomenological richness hidden by topology -- much of which we believe remains to be discovered.
American Physical Society (APS) meeting " Magnetic Topological Materials III - Topological Electrostatics"
March 6, 2024, Minneapolis (USA), Dmitry Kovrizhin gave a talk as an invited speaker.
We present a theory of optimal topological textures in nonlinear sigma-models with degrees of freedom living in the Grassmannian Gr(M,N) manifold. These textures describe skyrmion lattices of N-component fermions in a quantising magnetic field, relevant to the physics of graphene, bilayer and other multicomponent quantum Hall systems near integer filling factors ν>1. We derive analytically the optimality condition, minimizing topological charge density fluctuations, for a general Grassmannian sigma model Gr(M,N) on a sphere and a torus, together with counting arguments which show that for any filling factor and number of components there is a critical value of topological charge dc above which there are no optimal textures. Below dc a solution of the optimality condition on a torus is unique, while in the case of a sphere one has, in general, a continuum of solutions corresponding to new {\it non-Goldstone} zero modes, whose degeneracy is not lifted (via a order from disorder mechanism) by any fermion interactions depending only on the distance on a sphere. We supplement our general theoretical considerations with the exact analytical results for the case of Gr(2,4), appropriate for recent experiments in graphene.
International Workshop " Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Fractional Chern Insulators"
February 5-8, 2024, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden), Dmitry Kovrizhin gave a talk as an invited speaker.
Exploring the fractional quantum Hall physics at zero magnetic fields is a flourishing research frontier attracting broad interest from both experimental and theoretical communities. This workshop will bring together researchers working on relevant topics to discuss the very recent breaking development and exchange the ideas in this exciting field.
Topics include :- Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect
- Fractional Chern Insulators
- Correlated Topological Phases of Matter
- Moire Superlattices
- First-principle Based Simulations of Interacting Systems
- Field Theory Approaches
- Topological Effects of Cold Atoms
- Topological Flat Bands
- Quantum Geometry
- Fractionalized Quasiparticles
Conference " Quantum information: Theory and Applications "
The EUTOPIA Connected Community "Quantum Technologies Initiatives" is organising a 2-days conference/workshop on November 2-3 2023 at Cergy (France). The purpose of the workshop is to bring together actors from informatics as well as theoretical and experimental physics in order to assess the present state of the field.
Find more information and register here
How to get involved?
(Students and educators)
Please contact Dmitry Kovrizhin, Connected Community lead ( and Tomy Quenet, Local facilitator (
Connected Community Members
- Lead: Dmitry Kovrizhin (CY). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Roderich Moessner (TUD). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Tomaž Prosen (UL). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Rok Žitko (UL). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Rudolf A. Roemer (UW). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Gavin Morley (UW). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Mats Granath (GU). Email:
Coming soon
- Partner: Ben Craps (VUB). Email:
Coming soon