The Monash Warwick Alliance

Formed in 2012, for over 10 years the research powerhouses of Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and Warwick have navigated a successful partnership, focusing on high impact research and developing international leaders and expertise for the future.

The Monash Warwick Alliance has forged strong cross-cultural relationships reaching every academic and professional layer of our institutions and, in doing so, established a deep and enduring partnership that is driving global change and creating real-world impact.

Monash is a world leading public research-focussed university with a liberal curriculum and outlook well-aligned with EUTOPIA’s future-focused mission. Since 2011/12, the Monash Warwick Alliance has developed strong and successful initiatives in areas where a wider global outlook is essential. The Alliance has powered over 100 collaborative projects with major investment in particle physics and anti-microbial resistance.

Now EUTOPIA is benefiting from these widened international perspectives, including challenges addressed by EUTOPIA Connected Communities and Addressing issues connected to Responsible Internationalisation. Some of the opportunities now open to EUTOPIA members where Monash is active originate from the Monash Warwick Alliance, including initiatives that cultivate student research skills (the annual International Conference for Undergraduate Research, 26-27 June 2024) and internationalisation and employability skills (TeamWork, 24 June to 19 July 2024). For wider global research challenges such as planetary sustainability, Monash’s representation alongside fellow EUTOPIA members has enriched international perspectives in the Warwick-led Sustainability Training School (launched 2023, running again 15-19 April 2024).

Warwick and Monash both have centres in Italy: Monash’s Research Institute in Prato provides EUTOPIA members with an opportunity to engage the Australian university in Horizon Europe research bids. It can be seen how far Monash is already adding a valuable wider global dimension to EUTOPIA’s work – we would love to continue to explore opportunities to further connect EUTOPIA and the Monash Warwick Alliance.