Published on April 11, 2023–Updated on May 4, 2023
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UNICA – EUTOPIA Train 3rd webinar: How European University Alliances can support citizen science
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unica 3rd webinar
Since January 2021, the EUTOPIA European University Alliance has been supporting citizen science through means of the EUTOPIA TRAIN project (H2020 SwafS). With this project nearing its ending, we’re looking back on the ways the alliance has allowed citizen science support and initiatives to grow and flourish. In this webinar, EUTOPIA is joining forces with UNICA to bring you both a deep dive and 3 shorter case studies on how European university alliances can provide an important framework for citizen science at your university.
Register now to join the third UNICA and EUTOPIA webinar on citizen science on May 25th!
Floor Keersmaekers, PhD, Citizen Science Contact Point, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Eutopia
Szymon Andrzejewski, responsible for citizen science tasks in the Train 4EU+ project, University of Warsaw
Ekaterina Smoliakova, Project Manager Una.Resin at European University Una Europa, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Lucija Ažman Momirski, Professor, representing the University of Ljubljana and Eutopia
More information about the programme and the biographies of the speakers will be available soon.