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_HEALTH Task Forces
Integration of knowledge coming from different fields could offer the most appropriate solutions to health-related challenges. Medical scientists need public health specialists and health economists, and the individual and societal challenges cannot be tackled without involving experts dealing with mental health. Health-related challenges cannot be dealt with efficiently if knowledge is closed in silos and communication among different fields is sparse and not supported in a meaningful manner institutionally and societally.
EUTOPIA_HEALTH seeks to enhance collaboration across health-related fields, focusing on capacity building in the three Widening countries of EUTOPIA (Portugal, Slovenia, Romania). Current health research is often fragmented across disciplines, making transdisciplinary collaboration difficult. The project aims to establish an integrative institutional approach to promote excellence in health-related research and innovation, with the goal of creating a meaningful societal impact.
EUTOPIA_HEALTH will implement strategies for transdisciplinary thinking in health research and innovation (WP2) and create flexible academic career pathways for researchers (WP3). It will establish Connected Health Research Communities to enhance collaboration (WP4) and equip researchers with skills for effective knowledge transfer, fostering a university-centered health innovation ecosystem (WP5). Additionally, it will focus on upskilling researchers and enhancing research capacities through funding and mobility initiatives (WP6), while sharing best practices with global partners to drive transformation (WP7).
- WP1 Project management
Ethics and Gender equality guidelines
Data Management Plan
- WP2 Frameworks for common transformation in Health
A map of common and specific challenges in Health
Survey of focal points of R&I agendas/roadmaps in Health
Policy paper on institutional strategies for modernizing career pathways in Health
- WP3 Strengthening research & innovation management capacity in health
- 18 Research Managers of EUTOPIA_HEALTH institutions trained and taking part in the mentorship mobility programme
- 8 webinars on EU funding, technology transfer and value creation
- 30 researchers of EUTOPIA_HEALTH consortium trained in EU funding (Pillar I, II, III) and at least 50% of them realized a submitted proposal
- Feedback regarding mentorship mobility program, training workshops and support programme
- WP4 Connecting Health Research Communities
Report on the accomplishment of 30 short-term mobilities within and for EUTOPIA_HEALTH
- WP5 Building innovation ecosystems in Health
Inventory list of stakeholders supporting innovation in Health
EUTOPIA Health meta-ecosystem Platform
Report on assessment of the current landscape of science–citizens relationship
Online catalogue with courses, best practices
Report on citizens’ experience in citizen science
Report on co-creative EUTOPIA_HEALTH consortium events
Report on experimental learning through “virtual enterprises.”
- WP6 Fostering excellence in transdisciplinary research
Providing short-term research mobilities for young researchers from Widening universities of the EUTOPIA_HEALTH consortium, focusing on transdisciplinary research topics correlating to health-related challenges;
Transdisciplinary training for researchers of the EUTOPIA_HEALTH consortium supporting their professional reskilling/upskilling, which will enable them to develop a transdisciplinary mindset in Health;
Promoting joint health-related research collaborations for and at the Widening universities of the EUTOPIA_HEALTH consortium by seed funding.
- WP7 Mainstreaming best practices and tools for Open and Inclusive Science
Newsletter (M1-M60, CY): A new section (E-Health News) (D7.2) will be added to the existing EUTOPIA UPDATE online newsletter with information about EUTOPIA_HEALTH.
EUTOPIA_Health Day. The event will be promoted on EUTOPIA alliance media channels and using consortium universities’ social media. Promotional materials, such as flyers, and social media posts etc. will be created to engage with citizens, and other non-academic actors.
Science Café (M1-M60, CY, UBB, UL, UNL): will be created in form of annual on-site events/per each Widening partner: foster a dialogue between scientists and the wider public, stakeholders, in a relaxed and open atmosphere, encouraging people to ask questions, share their own experiences and learn about the latest scientific advances in Health.
Health Researchers’ Night (M1-M60, CY, UBB, UL, UNL): annual events organized in Widening partners in line with the European Researchers' Night