Career Ambassadors Workshop: Expat Life (working abroad)

A new EUTOPIA Career Ambassador Workshop: how to deal with life as an expatriate (or “expat”, for short)?

Moving to another country can be very rewarding but is also always connected to many difficulties. Especially when you plan to move to another country more permanently and not only for your studies or an internship, planning your move can be challenging.

But you are not alone! There is help.

PART 2: Alumni discuss working abroad. 4th May 2021. 6 p.m. CET

Are you curious about working abroad?
In this second part of the “Life as an expat” workshop series, 5 panelists will be sharing the good and the bad about the expat life. Ask these VUB alumni all your questions concerning international work experiences and more!

How to participate?

Register HERE by filling up the form and clicking on “Alumni about working abroad. (4 May, 18h-19h)”

Follow the EUTOPIA Career Ambassadors on their Linkedin group or on Instagram.

Please, feel free to contact if you have any questions.