Geography, Environment and Sustainability

This learning community focuses on several complex and often interrelated environmental issues, beginning with a discussion of global climate change and the role of greenhouse gases in other environmental problems, including deforestation, ozone depletion, and the health of the world’s oceans. It reviews key concepts in geography and analyses their meaning, through history and their evolution.
Learning Community Activities
Past Events
  • Cross-EUTOPIA Student Assignment on Sustainable Mobility – When? Jan-March 2021 – Where? online – online – More info in this brochure
  • Student-led Summer Conference on SDG-related COVID-impact – When? July 2021 – Where? online – More info: website - brochure – call for students – call for contributionsSee feedback from the involved students here.
How to get involved?

(Students and educators)

Contact the Learning Community lead : Antoni Luna ( or Lola Berna (

Learning Community Members
Lead: Antoni Luna Garcia (UPF). Email:

Toni Luna is a professor of Geography and Global Studies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. His main areas of research are cultural and urban geography as well as geography education. He has participated in several international projects in Europe and the US. He has also worked on landscape theory and landscape studies. He likes teaching in an international environment and loves travelling.

Partner: Matthieu Kervyn (VUB). Email:

Matthieu Kervyn is an associate professor in the Department of Geography of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. He develops research on geological hazards and risk management. He offers courses in Geomorphology and Risk Management at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Partner: Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla (UW). Email:

Stephanie Panichelli-Batalla is the Head of the School for Cross-Faculty Studies at the University of Warwick. Her research focuses on Caribbean Studies from an interdisciplinary point of view, bridging the areas of cultural studies, international relations, and oral history. Her most recent research focuses on the Cuban Internationalist Healthcare Solidarity Programmes and she teaches Global Sustainable Development Degree with a module on Human Rights and Social Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Partner: Katja Vintar Mally (UL). Email:

Katja Vintar Mally is an associate professor at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She holds the Chair for Environmental Protection and teaches courses such as Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Regional Geography.

Partner: Maša Kovič Dine (UL). Email:

Dr. Maša Kovič Dine (PhD) is an assistant professor at the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. She teaches an array of courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels and is a mentor of the International Environmental Law Clinic.

Partner: Samuel Rufat (CY). Email:

Samuel Rufat is a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography at CY Cergy Paris University in France. His main areas of research include urban geography, socio-economic inequalities, environmental justice, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. He teaches courses in Disaster Risk Management, Mapping and Data Science.